Her Mother

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Ariana Dumbledore II was an extraordinary pureblood witch regarded with high status in the wizarding world however there was one problem. Love. It wasn't the fact that she couldn't love, but because of whom she loved. If she knew that when she first fell that if she were to be with him she would be hated by many and that others would come after her and her children; she never would have followed him to the lake. She never would of gone on that date with him which changed her life forever. Her uncle may of loved her, her friends might if never left, but most importantly, she would never of lost her life to love.

You see Ariana wanted more in life, she didn't care about the luxuries she got by birth, or the legacy she had bestowed, she wanted freedom and a chance at a normal life in the wizarding world. And that's what Tom gave her. He gave her love, a chance at a better life and never forced her to do anything. Sounds like a perfect love story right? To her it did and how wrong she was. 

(Sorry this is short. This is my first story, tell me what you think!)

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