48 Sunsets and You

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I have been counting stars, trying to taste a life of elysian bliss; I got exhausted bottling up my tears because my jar couldn't hold it anymore. All those years of forenoon cuddles and broken vows riddled me with pain and tears and unfinished morning teas and those exhausted my soul. I have been wanting to go out and let the lustrous sun kiss my delicate skin - be a sunbaked demoiselle and to chase and catch butterflies on that field of tulips and white carnations glowing but no, I would just see illusions of you in there that I badly wanted to make those vanish into thin air.

I could clearly recall, you on the field, despite the peppery sun, you were there, standing and feeling the air as if it was your first time and I could not help myself but to stare at you in deep awe. Your hair was brushed off and the freckles on your face looked like diamonds shining freely. Your baby blue eyes were melting my insides - those were seductive and bewitching. I have seen rose buds igniting in between his palms and to a naive flower - obsessed demoiselle like me, I wanted to get those but no, it was his. Nevertheless, his primrose - scented poetry turned me into someone I didn't know - a sucker for lovely words from a lonely soul? mayhap, it was me. His words brought calmness into my chaotic being; I have seen beauty in him and beauty should be labeled as art : he was art.

Passed by 48 sunsets and you, the rain was on its greatest downfall and with a cup on milk on my hand, almost cold - I was there, tick tocking the details of how you vanished, like how your cinnamon eyes hid a beautiful beast that stole my innocence in a blink of an eye. You promised me forever, did not know that forever was just 48 sunsets of old and forgotten love notes, broken radio tapes, primrose - scented poetry and bottle of pink vodkas with those diced apricots on glass.

/ time of death, 2:20 PM. /

• a soliloquy to the boy who was forbidden to feel the rays of the sun, met in June year '94.


I got inspired by Midnight Sun so I made this one. 🤧

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