Chapter 7

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Your pov

If you're wondering how's it going well here it goes, Well my sister sadly speaking past away... Yes I know it hurts, But Life must go on.So We -Darren,Jk and I were planning of joining this theater workshop.
"Here are the registration forms " The lady handed us
"Thanks: )"

So we filled up everything that needs to be filled up.Oh and by the way, If you're thinking about parent's consent matters ,well it's all covered now.We passed le papers
"Here maam "We handed it to the lady in charge
"Okay, Workshop starts tommorow at 8 in the morning "
"Yes maam Thanks"

We three decided to eat our supper at McDonald's.
"Hey guys.."
"Whut" dem
"Try this,Say Darren in a fast manner"
"Darren,Darrn DARN HAHAHAHAHAHA"Jk tried it and well you know what he's feeling
"Haha so funny"Darren said while making a face
"Sorry Bruh " I patted his back
"Sorry din bro" Jk said and  did what i did
"FINE,Accepted...OmG Darn ples"

We bursted out laughing AGAIN

We ate and chatted and...
"So who's excited for tommorow?" Darren
"Well I am" Jk says
"How bout you _____?"
"Ughh guys,let's just say i have self-esteem issues "
"Come on, Dont be shy bruh"Jk says
"Show 'em what you've got"Darren
"It's not bad to try right?"
Hey Guys it's been a while. YES I AM SO SORRY I'VE BEEN SO BUSY WITH A LOT OF STUFFS-SCHHOOL WORK,MISS SAIGON AND ETC..But here it is another chap.Hope you'd continue to read this dank Thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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