"Hmm. I didn't bring any staff so hand-on-hand would be good, but if you insist on using Gun staff as part of combat, we need to stop by Grandpa Wen's stall first, so I can get one." Shen Wei suggests.

"You mean that scary old man that love to kick his male customers out from his stall with large sword? No thanks!" Lin Jing said while shivering after recalling the scene he saw two days ago.

"Yes, it's him. But how did you know all that? Wait! Lin, did you try to flirt with his granddaughter again, after I warned you!?" Shen Wei asks in shock.

"No no no. After you told me, I didn't go back there. I was walking around the market two days ago when I saw the scene. His granddaughter seems to like the attention she gets, apparently. I don't like that kind of women." Lin hurriedly explains to Shen Wei who nods in understanding.

Both he and Yunlan know about the granddaughter of Grandpa Wen. She is a sneaky person, so they avoided her as much as possible, not that they were interested in her to begin with. However, it's hard when she continuously tries to flirt with them when they go to the stall. Thankfully for them, Grandpa Wen is always there when they go, so she couldn't do much.

"Well, since you are against stopping by Grandpa Wen, then hand-on-hand combat! Let's go, I will take you to a secret place where I usually fight. You will love it!" Shen Wei chirps and they both head out.


Secret Hideout

The secret hideout that Shen Wei was talking about is outside of the Haixing Village and hidden near Enchanted Forest that people usually avoid because there is rumor that whoever goes inside the forest never comes out again.

Luckily, the secret hideout is located right before the entry to the forest. However, since the place has been abandoned for so long, the place is surrounded by large trees and out-ground grass making it hard to spot the route and three other directions are surrounded by long lake like peninsula making secretive. The only way back out from the island is taking the route near Enchanted Forest which is connected Haixing Village.

Actually, Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan accidentally discovered this place by chance when they were touring around and got thirsty for water. The lake leads them into this habitat. The lake is long and clear. Water is running down the stream and slashing into big rocks on its way making beautiful water falling sounds and on-running water goes down another direction making it long lake. If you look at where the water is coming down from, you can see the faded shaped structure of a mountain far distant beside the dark forest. If water is streaming from the mountain, that would explain why the water is so clear and clean.

The small island itself seems to be floating above water, filled with green grass and wildflowers. It's a dreamy and relaxing place to stay around but today, someone is ruining its peaceful atmosphere and ripping poor flowers apart while mumbling nonsense.

"I can't believe Xiao Wei left without telling me anything! Usually, he will always make sure to let me know where he is going to do beforehand! And I finally got a hard-earned day to relax and plan on bringing him along with me here. But no! He is nowhere to be found..." Zhao Yunlan bemoans and bemoans to poor dead flowers that he mercilessly ripped apart due to his frustration.

"I even got him a gift... Xiao Wei... where did you go?" Zhao Yunlan continues to grumble to himself but stops when he hears footsteps approaching him.

"Wait, did Wei come here?!" Yunlan excitedly turned around, but his excitement turned sour when he saw his Xiao Wei talking happily with some stranger that he didn't even notice Yunlan on the island.

The island is an open space with breathtaking scenery compared to the dark and gloomy forest once you find the hidden route through the thick and tall trees.

"Here is the hideout I'm talking about. We can have our match here without anyone seeing it. I want a peaceful match without disruption. So, what do you think about the place?!" Shen Wei excitedly presents the land but stopped midway when he sees someone looking at them with sad kicked puppy look. Shen Wei's heart's clenched tight painfully when he sees the look on his Ah Lan. To Shen Wei, he can deal with any pain but not when his Ah Lan is in pain. That is one of the things in his personal agenda that no one is allowed to upset his Ah Lan. Small or big, it doesn't matter.

"Ah Lan!? What's wrong and what happened?!" Shen Wei asks while running towards Zhao Yunlan, totally forgetting Lin Jing.

Thankfully for Lin Jing, he understood the social cue of not budding in when he sees one. And the one in front of him seems like an interesting one but still personal, so Lin Jing decides to look around the beautiful place and give his friend space he needs.

Hmm, now that I'm astray again, let me discover this place. It's beautiful like Shen said. I guess beauty will find beautiful place~~~ Maybe I can find staff for our fight??

Lin cheerfully thought and starts roaming around excitedly looking at many wildflowers that he hasn't seen on his previous journeys.

"I can't believe there are so many wild herbal flowers here!" Lin Jing squeals and starts to carefully pull some off and put it inside his small pouch he carries with him all the time. He didn't even realize that he was little by little walking towards the Enchanted Forest entry, not that he knows about the rumor. Shen Wei hasn't gotten the chance to tell him since he saw Yunlan there. 


A/N: Here is another chapter for my readers~~~ Next chapter will be all about our Weilan couple reconciling with each other~~  (look forward to some sexy stuff 😉😉) And Poor Lin, he have no idea where he is heading to....😨😱😱!

Till next chapter my dearies💕

Legend of Tengu Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें