Not That Bad

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A/N: Hey everyone. I hope you're all doing well despite the completely insane situation we're in because of the coronavirus outbreak. I know I haven't updated in ten months (crazy, I know), but I would like to say that I have no desire to give up on this story. 

Without getting into too many details, I ended up in a bad and very stressful situation in May of last year, which took up a huge amount of my time and energy. I felt practically no motivation to write and that followed me for a long time. Also, that stress impacted my mental health significantly, so writing on a schedule or anything like that was basically off the table. I felt really guilty that I wasn't posting, because I'm sure a lot of you thought I'd given up, but I haven't. I just took a really long break. Now that's I'm out of that situation, I think I'm in a way better position to keep writing. 

Sorry to keep all of you waiting, and I really hope that you continue to read and enjoy this book. I don't know what updates will be like going forward but I have a lot of time on my hands with the pandemic forcing me inside all the time, so I should be posting a lot more than once every ten months. Again, sorry about that. 

I should also say that I renamed what Lillian is to a "Schäferin" because I like that better. Everything else, like all the animal telepathy, is the same. 

Finally, the attached photo is exactly how I envision Ophelia, to help you all imagine her. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please give this chapter a vote or comment when you're done!


Lillian's POV

I walked out into Ophelia and Gingko's paddock with a sense of calm over me. I finally had an answer to all the unsettling things that had happened to me in the last few weeks. I knew why I could feel Derek's pain. I knew why I'd always been able to stop an animal from freaking out. I had to believe my powers hadn't just forced all the relationships I had with Ophelia, and Hudson and all the rest of them. I had to believe there was more to it than that.

As if she knew, Ophelia met me in the middle of the green field, raising her head when she stopped in front of me.

"Hey, you," I murmured, scratching her forehead, looking deep into her dark eyes. I felt this warmth looking at her, the feeling I usually got when I was near her. "Wanna help me figure out what's going on with me?"

Ophelia let out a well-timed snort and I laughed. Maybe she really could understand me. I mean, she must because that was what my powers were all about. A jolt of nervous energy passed through me as I considered investigating that further. Would we be able to communicate if I could hone my powers properly? I moved my hand over to her muscled neck, running my fingers over her smooth coat. What's going on in your brain, huh? I thought, watching her as she watched me, reaching deep into myself to find whatever powers I had.

A deeper sense of calm washed over me as I ran my thumb over Ophelia's cheek. She nickered and lowered her head, pushing her nose into me. Was she the one feeling calm, or was it me? Or was it both of us? I had basically nothing to go on in terms of exploring these powers. Maybe I was just making stuff up for reassurance.

I glanced over my shoulder at Derek, who was leaning against the fence from the outside of the paddock.

"This is weird," I said. "I don't even know what I should be doing right now."

Derek crossed his arms and smirked a bit. "I mean, you're the horse-whisperer, not me."

"Oh, shut up," I snapped lightly, turning back to Ophelia, who was quietly watching Derek. "Should I, like, just try telling her what to do? Do horses even speak English?" I considered that for a moment while looking at Ophelia hopelessly. "Y'know what, actually? I bet it's the command I ask for that controls them, not the actual words. Animals probably don't speak languages in their minds like humans can. They probably just have thoughts that don't translate to actual words in their minds." Hm.

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