Chapter 13

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          That day ended very badly. In the end, Benny found out about the whole thing. We shouted at each other for a few hours. Then he left. Worst day of my life. After that, I just couldn't really bear to see Agnetha anymore. It hurt to look at her. We stop talking about anything else other than ABBA. But even then, it felt like a chore.

          With Benny getting a new girlfriend and everyone hating each other, it was hard to continue on.  We tried to. Just for the fans. The songs I sang at that time made me break down every time I listen to it. Finally, we just had to stop. Take a break from everything. And we did take a break. Left ABBA for a long time. So long that people thought we weren't coming back. We didn't think we would come back. I didn't know what drove us to do it. But we did. And I'm glad we did.

          We are old now with the past behind us no matter how bad it was. And I feel like no matter what happened this was always who I was meant to be. The first "A" in ABBA.

          I hated that day. I ran after her. After a while I lost her. I didn't want to go to her house in case Benny was there. Somehow, I knew it would end up this way. And I felt horrible. Like somehow it was my fault. If I didn't just continue on with my life maybe this would have never happened. Maybe I would still be living happily with Bjorn. To late to turn back now.

          So after a while, we took a break from ABBA. A break from seeing each other again. I admit it was nice to do my own thing. Free from all these crazy performances and travelling all over the world. It was nice. But my life felt incomplete. When ABBA got to getting again, I cried. I was just so happy. To see these people that I practically lived with for 5 years. It was nice. Nice to know that everything turned out fine in the end.

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating for such a long time. I want to thank @FarinaOc for reminding me to do this. Hope you liked it.

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