Chapter Thirty One

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Ron met Blaise and Rebekah at the alcove, muttering to himself.

"Ginny— my sister— has been acting a little strange for the last few months. It's her first year and all but she's never been like this," Ron said. "It just doesn't make sense."

"She's been a little strange," Rebekah said as Blaise shrugged. "She was a spitfire when she was talking to Mr Malfoy and Draco."

"Yeah, she's all quiet and nervous all the time," Ron commented, finishing a bowl of crisps.

"How do you think the girls are holding up?" Blaise asked.

Rebekah shrugged, crestfallen. She didn't really want to talk about them. If Rebekah had known where the Chamber was, she could have prevented them from being petrified.

After getting permission from McGonagall after she caught the three trying to get away, they made their way to the Hospital Ward and sat beside the two girls. Rebekah sat back on one of the summoned chairs as she watched them in silence. She picked up the hand mirror Hermione had, looking into the cracked silver.

Rebekah sighed as Ron and Blaise discussed homework. She placed a get-well-soon card on Hermione, grabbing one of her frozen hands to clasp it in comfort. Something rustled when Rebekah made Hermione's arm move. The piece of paper was clenched within her other fist and was difficult to get, but when Rebekah saw it's contents, she almost swore to herself.

Pipes. The Basilisk was moving within the pipes and that's why it could go up walls without any difficulty. But Pipes? Whoever had the diary had tried to flush it down a toilet. Myrtle was the last victim known and she had been killed in that bathroom which had pipes that could lead to anywhere in the school.

Rebekah told them about this, hurrying her words but kept them quiet enough so Madam Pomfrey didn't hear them.

"It's in the pipes, see? Hermione had figured out that the creature has been using the pipes to get around school,"

"But where's the chamber then?" Ron said.

"I don't like that face," Blaise said and stood up quickly.

"Oh, shush. I'm thinking the Chamber is under a bathroom because all the pipes would lead there," Rebekah suddenly stood up. "We need to tell the teachers."


"Because we can't handle this ourselves, we're children,"

The staffroom was empty as there was still a few minutes before the bell. There was no bell, instead, McGonagall's voice echoed through the halls.

"All students to return to their House dormitories at once. All teachers return to the staffroom. Immediately, please."

"Another attack?" Blaise said.

"What'll we do?" Ron said, his face reddening "Go back to our dorms?"

An ugly wardrobe sat to their left, completely full with teachers' cloaks and coats. Rebekah pointed to it, "You two in here. Let's hear what it's all about. My cloak won't fit all of us."

They quickly got in and Rebekah placed the cloak over her head as the teachers rushed in.

"It has happened," Everyone was quiet as McGonagall spoke "A student has been taken by the monster. Right into the Chamber itself."

There were sounds of shock and fear in the room as a couple of teachers sighed and other clapped hands to their mouths or chests.

"How can you be sure?" Snape almost crushed the back of a chair as he clutched it in his hands.

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