how dare she part two

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" I will be by your side rach" kurt said dramatically.

" Quinn has my number and will inform me if anything happens but you need to tell Mr shuester" sebastian said Rachel nodded he could tell she was scared and hated that this was happening because he had been stupid enough to date Santana.


Sebastian woke up that morning feeling stressed and not remotely rested he wondered what today would bring first of Rachel could get hurt then secondly he would be seeing the she devil at the doctors appointment.

As he laid in bed his phone buzzed and saw it was a message from Rachel.

My dads overheard kurt
And I talking. They have
Decided to keep me home
Today. Hope the appointment
Goes ok

Sebastian felt a huge sense of relief that Rachel was safe, he had also come to a conclusion that if infact the baby is his he wants full custody Santana is unstable and his child wasnt going to be put in danger.

The day seemed to race by and before he knew it he was at the doctors Santana had messaged him saying she would meet him there.

He waited and waited but she didnt show up.

Sebastian had, had enough he got into his car and drove to her house he banged on the door her mother answered.

" where is she" he asked

" she is in her room" she said

" she was supposed to meet me at the doctors" sebastian said

" she wants to use our doctor not yours " her mom said

" if she wants her doctor for her pregnancy then fine but I want a paternity test done by my doctor" sebastian said

" she will have one done by ours" her mom said

" do you think I'm dumb I k ow something weird is going on" sebastian said

" my daughter is pregnant and your not been supportive" she said

" I dont believe I'm the father, your daughter is a liar and a cheat I will be supportive when I have proof" sebastian said.

" dont you talk about her like that" she snapped at him and slammed the door in his face.

Sebastian was furious and he knew now was the time to face the wrath of his father.

Sebastian drove to his dads law firm and walked in knowing that this was not going to end well for him but knowing he had no choice.

Sebastian walked straight into his dads office and his dad looked up from the paper he was reading at his desk.

" seb are you alright son" his dad asked. Sebastian shook his head and before he could control himself he started crying.

" seb" his dad said getting up and rushing to him he pulled him into a hug.

" whatever is the matter" his dad asked

" Santana" sebastian said

" your ex" his dad said sebastian nodded.

" she says she is having my baby but I dont believe her and she isnt co-operating with having a paternity test" sebastian said.

" let me get this right she says she is pregnant by you but wont let you have a test to prove it" his dad asked sebastian nodde

" how long has this situation been going on" his dad asked

" about a week" sebastian said

" seb why didnt you tell me" his dad said sebastian couldn't believe his dad wasnt yelling at him.

" I thought you would be mad" sebastian said

" I am if you have gotten the girl pregnant but seb this situation is horrible your in limbo. I can file a legal document making her have a paternity test" his dad said.

" thank you" sebastian said

" how has Rachel taken the news" his dad asked with a small smile.

" she just wants to be friends now as Santana is been cruel to her infact Rachel stayed home from school today because Santana was planning to do something to her" sebastian said

" Rachel is a lovely girl" his dad said sebastian smiled but felt a fresh wave of tears pour.

" come on son just give her time she will come round" his dad said patting his back.

" everything is such a mess" sebastian said.

" come on" his dad said moving towards the door.

' where we going" sebastian asked.

" I'm taking you out for dinner you need to eat And I want if I can to try to cheer you up" his dad said.

" I thought you would yell at me  let take me to dinner" sebastian said walking towards the door too.

" honestly seb so did I not seeing g you so upset I couldn't bring myself to yell... does your mom know about this" his dad said. His parents had separated six months earlier.

"No I want to wait until its proven I'm the dad before I tell her" sebastian said

" good idea she will worry herself sick" his dad said.

They left the office and while nothi g was yet sorted out sebastian felt calmer knowing that his dad was going to help.

Author notice

Part three should be finished later today and will include more smytheberry than this part did.

smythebrry short stories part twoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang