Dean nodded his head and sighed heavily. "Yes, Alpha."

"Alpha, you have not informed the pack about your mate-" I turned sharply to look at the Christine, another Delta. She instantly shut her mouth at my sharp look.

She was a bitchy woman who could be ruthless when it was needed. I didn't believe in only having males as Deltas, a few of them were also female. Christine was the first female to become a delta, and because of that, she had often thought our relationship would be more than Alpha and Delta. I glared at her, and a soft growl escaped from my throat.

"You said something, Delta Christine?" I asked her, keeping the glare on my face.

"Yes Alpha, you have not introduced your mate." She said, trying to hold some strength in her voice.

"It's not a priority," I snapped.

"Alpha with all due respect, she is the Luna of the pack, she should have been introduced as soon as she came here!" Christine sneered, her tone was disrespectful; there was an underlying thought that made me think she did not like the fact that I had found my mate.

"She's not ready! Do not question my judgement!" I snapped. I took a step back, taking in all the faces seated in front of me.

"Does anyone else have a fucking problem, or is there something in the damn water that has made you all discourteous and rude?!" I questioned, feeling the anger of my wolf within.

No one said a word, no one even looked me directly in the eye.

"Regnum is on lockdown, I will not alert any of the packs until I am ready!" I said in a final tone.

"Alpha, we know you're angry and on edge but please be rational." I turned to look at Elijah, he was calm as he spoke, trying not to add any more fire to the pan.  "The other packs need to know," he said, his eyes darting to the rotting vampire lying on the ground.

"For all I know, the packs would side with the vampires! I've already lost favours with the Shields and Ronan Pack," I muttered.

I had received multiple phone calls and emails from Robert Shields demanding that I return Valerie to him. Valerie didn't belong with her father nor with fucking Zander Richards. I had ignored every single email and every single phone call. Valerie would never go back to her father, nor Zander Richards.

"We are aware of the situation, Alpha Richards is powerful, Alpha Sheilds is also powerful if they join forces we may have an issue," Adam stated gruffly. I raised an eyebrow, his point was irrelevant. He knew very well our numbers in warriors were much higher than the Shields and Ronan packs.

"They do not have the numbers! They cannot form a revolution, it is forbidden," I seethed out, clenching my jaw tightly. "They would be stupid to go against me combined! If they were smart, they wouldn't wage war against me!"

Many voices mumbled a 'yes Alpha' under their breaths. Some were still in shock of the corpse of the vampire in the corner of the room.

"Someone see to the corpse, get rid of it, burn it! I don't care what you do, just make sure it is gone!"  I ordered, moving away from the head of the table. Everyone stood up and bowed their heads down.

"This meeting is suspended, resume your day and orders," I said turning my back and leaving the meeting room.

I stormed down the hall to my office, opening the door with a slight slam. I kept my body facing Valerie, as I closed the door behind me.  She was still in the same position I left her, seated with her knees huddled into her chest, on the leather couch facing the huge bay window. Her body slightly trembling in fear as silent tears streamed down her face. She was wrapped up in my jacket, it was huge on her making her appear a lot smaller than she already was. Valerie was still dressed in the outfit she had tried on in the changing room, there was no time for her to change as we left the mall in a hurry. She hadn't said a word and her facial expression remained the same. It was almost like she was paralysed in shock

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