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     who does this guy think he is?

     what, he can just show up, barge in, make himself the center of attention in his maroon skinny jeans and denim jacket? what is he, fuckin' tom holland? nobody gives a shit!
     his hair looks like a fucking orange. he is an orange. orange boy. is he proud? is that his real hair? why does he smile so much?

     what's his deal?

     this is high school. this is an AP english class. these kids know who they are and where they stand, you'd think, right? no! they don't!
     this new guy is taking the class by storm. the whole senior body knows him now, and it's only his first day.
     new kid, new school. he's the karasuno high phenomenon: the short kid from yukigaoka who has neon orange hair and the loudest laugh anyone has ever heard. they love him, they adore him, and he's letting them. he's only been here one day.
     there's no good reason to like him. i mean, he's loud, he's obnoxious, he's nosy and has this weird face that sort of reminds me of a chipmunk- beady eyes, toothy grin, tiny hands and fuzzy head. he's too well dressed, his hair is too perfectly quaffed, and his skin is too blemish-free. this kid is as fake as they come! how does the entire school body not notice that he's nothing but a head of hair and a dumb smile?

     nah. not fooling me, new kid. i don't know your name, and i don't plan to. i already know that we will never be friends.

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