Chapter 53: This is the One

Start from the beginning

Ereni, Corrine, and Kaisa begin nibbling in their finger nails with little whines in fear and Elysse chuckles nervously.

"She's just kidding," I reassure them, and when Aiko laughs the rest of the girls do, too.

Then Aiko meets my gaze to secretly make the gesture of cutting off a head that only Queen Ida and I catch.

I adore her.

"Next on the agenda are the bridal gowns," Elysse informs us lifting up a clipboard to double check. When she goes to set it down Aiko is right in front of her face waiting. "Would you like to help the Princess choose?" Elysse offers.

"Oh, Elysse," Aiko exclaims as she yanks her into a hug, "I thought you'd never ask!"

Without warning, she grasps my arms and all I feel is wind before we are standing in a wardrobe closet of the Reriman castle where Queen Ida has had countless dresses sent from various designers and regions.

"Off with your clothes," Aiko demands and when I move too slow she nearly rips the fabric from my skin.

By the time the others arrive, I have tried on a dozen gowns already.

"The sheath, mermaid and A-line styles are an absolute no," Aiko updates them before ushering my human friends to the ball gown and empire designs.

"You're going to be here all day," Queen Ida sighs as she eases down into a long, white-linen couch.

She's been with us since the moment I arrived mostly to oversee our decisions and offer her advice. I can't tell if she is always so stoic or if it is just because she finds this tedious.

Even from my youth I recall her being reserved, quiet and picky about her company.

Now that I think about it, Leonidas isn't much different. I suppose being around my rambunctious personality gave him a higher tolerance.

"You don't have to stay," I mutter softly, not meaning it in a bitter or harsh way. "Don't you usually rest during the day? If Leonidas is sleeping perhaps you should be, too."

Her brown eyes appear glacial in contrast with her short silver hair and shift to me void of emotion.

"I wouldn't miss this," she assures me and pats a spot on the couch inviting me to join her side. "Your mother often dreamt of preparing you for your wedding day the moment we first introduced you and Leonidas to each other, and he let you drag him around your castle," she shares.

My cheeks flare with warmth knowing she is aware of just how rambunctious I can be.

"You just seem bored," I murmur and twiddle my fingers.

"That's just my face, Darling," she says and massages her fingers against her cheeks. "When you've lived as long as me expressing yourself gets old, too."

I open my mouth to respond but she holds up a finger cutting me off.

"Don't ask how old I am. It's the only secret I get to keep to myself," she finishes.

Iconic, I love her.

"Fair enough," I say and rise from my seat to begin untying the laces to the dress I'm currently suffocating in.

Queen Ida helps me with the back and my skin shivers when her fingers brush against my neck.

"I do wonder what you would be like at my age," she speaks more to herself than to me.

Swiveling around, I gape at her.

"Y-you mean if I was a vampire, like how you turned Elytis?" I inquire, and then slap a hand over my mouth realizing he could get in trouble for telling me who bit him.

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