Chapter 11: Trust

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Georges POV
I got out of science class feeling tired, I hadn't been very well,

I was always nervous for some reason, and I hadn't slept at all in those days

I was failing at 2 classes already

I often had mood swings, going from feeling happy to feeling really sad and as if the world would be better without me, and sometimes even becoming angry for no reason at all

I didn't know what was happening to me I felt lost

I quickly got to my locker and saw John and Frances together, John was kissing Frances face as she laughed

I smiled at it, they had told me and Angie they were dating a few weeks ago and I was happy for them

Will got to me as I turned to him

"They're dating?" He asked looking at them with jealousy

I rose a brow and pushed him into the class that was next to my locker, it was empty

I sat dow at one chair as he gave me a confused stare

"I'm not leaving this class until you tell me what happened between you and Frances" I said, he looked surprised but sat on another chair

He sighed "I don't know what happened, she just got mad at me for no reason"

"It has to have a reason, otherwise she wouldn't be this mad at you" I said

"On the last day of summer when you came back I told Frances I was going to the football team, and she for some reason thought I was doing it to be popular" he said "she even said I was only with you guys because Philip, Theo and your sister were popular you know I wouldn't do that I'm not like that"

"Why would she think that though?"

"You know Frances she always tries to see things the way they're not" he said as I sighed

"Why were you looking at her and John like that though?" I asked

"What do you mean I wasn't looking at them in any way" he said

"Yes you were, you seemed jealous" I said as he shook his head

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said

"Will" I said

"Fine, me and Frances spent a lot of time together in the summer, even more than we did with anyone else, and I think I might have developed a..."

"Crush?" I asked as he nodded

"But it's no point saying that right now, I mean she's dating someone else" he said

"Will she's not married yet calm down" I said "try to be her friend again to gain her trust because like this it's not gonna work, you guys haven't been talking to each other for 3 months it's November already"

"But what's the point though she's dating someone else"

"Will this isn't all about dating, this is about being her friend too, about her trusting you again, she cares about you a lot Will I know it doesn't seem like it but she does, she doesn't need a boyfriend Will, she needs a friend, a friend who she can trust, and I know she already has those but she doesn't have you, she misses you Will we all do, we miss having you around" I paused "and if you go slow, if you become her friend first you guys might even end up together who knows, but not now that's not what she needs and it's not what what you need either, please try to be her friend again, she likes you a lot I can tell you that"

Will sighed and nodded "Yeah you're right this is not all about dating, and to be honest I miss being her friend too"

I smiled as someone got into the classroom we were in "oh I believe you're not one of my students" she said as we got up from the chairs

"Yeah I'm so sorry miss Williams" I said and got out of the classroom as the bell rang

"I'll see you later" I said to Will, walking to my next class

On the afternoon I had class with Angie and sat next to her

"Hey" she said to me waving

"Hey" I said smiling at her

"We're almost on your birthday" she said squeaking as I smiled at that

"It's still November 16th it still takes a lot like 1 month" I said

"1 month is nothing" she said

"I can't believe it still takes 1 month till winter break" I said sighing, I wanted it all to be over, I felt that school was putting too much pressure on me

"It will be gone in an instant you'll see" she said

"Are you guys spending Christmas here this year?" I asked

"No we're going to Albany as we do every year, but I'm asking my parents if we can go on the 24th because it's your birthday" she said

"Ang you don't need to do that"

"Don't be silly of course I do you're my best friend, we'll just go at 5 pm or something like that" she said as I shook my head

"It still takes 2 hours till Albany and I really don't wanna bother you're parents" I said

"It's fine and as they are all gonna come back from college we'll spend the day all together"

"You're amazing Ang did you know that?"

"Of course I did" she said as I laughed "you're amazing too and you deserve it" she said as the teacher came into the class, she left to get something she forgot

I smiled at her and we both turned to the board

The day ended and I got home with Angie

When I opened the door of my house my mom was standing at the kitchen counter

"Hey mom, I thought you were doing a shift at the hospital" I said smiling at my mom

She had a concerned look on her face "Georges we gotta talk"
Things are only gonna get worst just you waitttt, anyways hope you enjoyed also sorry it took so long for me to update love you guys <3 :)

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