Little Things

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It had only been a couple of months since they all met. And yet, they were learning so much about each other. They learned that Tweak was a widow, and they learned Kwazii majored in Psychology.

It was Peso who remained closed-off.

Granted, they knew about his past, but they didn't know HIM. He never told then anything about himself. There wasn't any word they could use to describe Peso other than 'childish.'

One day, Barnacles strolled into the HQ with a clipboard and pen. He found himself waking around a lot when he was thinking. He was so focused on his papers, he almost tripped over him.

Peso was sitting on the floor of the HQ, happily playing with...what looked like two bundles of fluff.

Barnacles watched for a moment. Upon closer inspection, the little bundles were...

Teddy bears. A fifteen year old boy, playing with teddy bears.

And somehow, Barnacles didn't see any problem with that.

It was nice, actually, to sit in a chair, and know Peso was nearby, happy and safe. It was rather pleasant to listen to his adorable game of make-believe.

Tweak wandered in, and tipped her head. "Isn't he a little old for that?" Barnacles shrugged in response. "Teddy bears never hurt anyone, Tweak." The rabbit shrugged. "Whatever. If you say so."

Tweak was a little stingy.

Dashi entered next, and giggled. "Aw, that's so cute." Peso ignored them, and continued his game. He looked like a carefree toddler.

Dashi sat down next to him and watched. Barnacles glanced over his shoulder every now and then. Peso was acting like this was the most normal thing in the world.

It was sweet, every now and again, to come across someone who could remain innocent and happy as a child.

"Cap, I'm taking Shellington out to the reef." Tweak piped up after a few minutes. "He's gonna look for crabs, I'm gonna look for a wrench I dropped there." Dashi stood up. "Can I come? I could get some great coral reef pictures, for National Sea-ographic." Barnacles smiled. "That sounds like a fine idea, Tweak...where's Kwazii?"

"Who knows?" The rabbit grumped. She'd never liked Kwazii, but their bond was slowly growing. "Maybe, he has been turned, into stone." Barnacles rolled his eyes. Dashi piped up. "He's gone out with the professor. I think they're planting some sort of seed."

"Shouldn't someone stay with Peso?" Shellington inquired, looking up from his book. They couldn't place their paws on it, but something about leaving Peso alone on the Octopod didn't sit well with them.

"I can stay here. I've got to finish these papers anyway." Barnacles spoke up. Peso watched the others leave, before turning to Barnacles. "I don't need to be babysat."

"And I don't need to go anywhere. We're even." The bear joked. He went about with hi  s papers, and heard the Octoshute open. "Call me if you need anything." He called over his shoulder, before hearing Peso leave.

he finished his papers a couple hours before the others were going to be back, so he went in search of Peso. the little penguin was sitting in his room, fiddling with his toy. Barnacles smiled, and was about to take his leave.

"You're not gonna laugh?" The bear frowned. "Laugh? No. I think it's sweet." he turned back around, and knelt down in front of Peso. He picked up a soft toy, which appeared to be a bunny, and made it wave. Peso giggled. Barnacles didn't know why Peso loved  soft toys so much, but it kept him quiet and entertained, so was was he to judge?

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