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In the elite class, there have been royals and businessmen that have reign supreme. With the likes of the English Royal Family, the Illuminati in the roster, the one which have shaped Japan's Business sector to their liking, the Shinomiya family are indisputably at the top.

A child of the Shinomiyas, Shinomiya Kaguya was a child of a multi-billion company based in Japan. All her life, she had been raised in luxury, trained in formality with the highest expectation. She had been given what she wanted and needed. She was the epitome of class and grace.The top of the top. The ripest fruit in top of the apple tree

Shirogane Kaguya however...

"Okaa-san, Kimiko doesn't want to give me Tanuki-chan!"

"That's because you've been hogging him for ages! Now I want to play with him!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

Kaguya stopped whatever she was doing and sighed "Kaito, share with your sister, or else!" Kaguya shouted and when she heard no more fuss, she nodded with satisfaction and continued with whatever she was doing.

You might be wondering, what does Shirogane nee Shinomiya Kaguya do after she had married the love of her life? What happened to the woman who was the epitome of class and grace?


She was cooking dinner.

Kaguya's ears perked up when she heard the familiar swing of the door before she was suddenly enveloped into a warm hug.

"Hey." Miyuki said as he buried his face into Kaguya's hair.

"Hello dear. Would you care to taste the miso soup?" Kaguya said as she took a spoon and raised it near her head. Miyuki took her spoon and loudly smacked his mouth, savoring the flavor.

"Needs more salt." Miyuki simply replied before he returned the spoon back to Kaguya.

Kaguya sighed as she walked to the counter to get salt "You know I'm not great at cooking, Miyuki. I don't get why I'm the one cooking"

Miyuki just smiled before he took a peck in Kaguya's cheeks, which tinged into a light pink as she felt the peck. "Well it's because everything you touch turns into gold, dear. And when I taste your food, it taste like gold."

Kaguya snorted "Gold doesn't taste that good, you know. It's rather for aesthetic purposes."

Miyuki just scratched the back of his neck "Well...Atleast you got what I meant right?"

"Yes I did dear. Don't worry." Kaguya chuckled before she simply smiled then returned back to the pot

Miyuki sighed a sigh of relief before he went to the fridge to get a class of water. As he opened the refridgerator door, he noticed some black headphones in the kitchen counter.

"Dear, whose headphones are this?" Miyuki asked Kaguya.

"Those are Kaito's. He's been pestering me to buy those ever since he learned about Beethoven."

"Beethoven? Isn't he a bit young for that?"

"Well, I've been listening since...I could probably remember. Is...that not normal?"

"I rather not say..." Said Miyuki as he took a look at the headphones "Say, doesn't this remind you of Ishigami?"

Kaguya looked at the headphones before her eyes suddenly were wide open "It does! I wonder what happened to him after school?"

"He expanded his father's business into a...gaming company, I think? He's now one of the top thirty in Forbe's under 30's list"

"Well, that's good. After he and Iino got together, his confidence boosted to the roof. I'm glad he's still somewhat the same." Kaguya said in a happy tone

"Yeah, and his depressing tendencies as well. Did you know that when he called me, he was so depressed about being in the list because 'His wife would become a gold digger and he'd end up lonely in the end'. Then, he got cut off by a sudden 'Thwap!' " Miyuki said before he chuckled and put his glass at the sink.

"He deserved it. After all this years, and he's still like that" said Kaguya as she shook her head

"Are you still mad that he called you flat?"

Kaguya looked at Miyuki with dark and wide eyes "Do you want me to be mad at you?"

"No!" Miyuki screamed.

Kaguya nodded before returning back to her Miso soup."What about Fujiwara-san? It's been a long time since I've heard about her."

"Well...let me check" Miyuki said as he took his phone. "It says that Chika Fujiwara managed to... go bankrupt because of her tendency around Japan for her Ramen addiction, and by the end of last year is now working at Ishigami's company, as a high-pay table top game designer..."

"Oh dear, atleast she's still alive, I guess" Kaguya said with little to no empathy and Miyuki almost choked at his own spit.

"That kind of makes me embarrassed at our own life. I mean, we've barely done anything, Miyuki."

"What do you mean nothing? We've done almost everything we could possibly want! We have our own house, our own car, our own family..." Miyuki said as he raised a finger at each point he raised.

"Yeah, but still..."

"And..." Miyuki said as he embraced Kaguya behind her back " We retired at the age of 27, with millions, even billions to our name. Now, we're living in Kamakura, in bliss and harmony. The best part is, we have each other and the children." He finished with a kiss on her head

Kaguya paused, as her face was flushed with red before she sighed "I guess you're right...I love you, Miyuki."

"I love you too, Kaguya"





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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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