•Bleh this took awhile sorry!
•I tried to make this long :')
•also leave me alone I don't know if people will think some of the things that happen are weird, but Josar is still little so don't be mean to me because I wanted Josar and LisaLisa to have cute moment :')
•and they don't know that LisaLisa is actually Joseph's mom, Josar just calls her Granny

Caesar and Joseph walked around to find LisaLisa. Josar was giggling while on top of Joseph. He covered Joseph's eyes. "Josarrr! I can't see!" Joseph whined, moving Josar's hands. "Jojo." Joseph looked over at Caesar. "She is over there." He pointed to where LisaLisa was. Josar looked to where Caesar was pointing. He gasped. "Is that grandma?" He asked, getting super excited. "Does she make granny food?" Josar asked again, sliding down Joseph's back. "No, Josar, she's-" Joseph looked around for him. "Josar?" He started sweating. "I lost him." Caesar looked at him. "HE WAS ON YOUR BACK HOW DID YOU LOSE HIM?" Caesar snapped. "Woah, mama bear! He slipped off!" Joseph replied. He heard giggling and looked over to see LisaLisa approaching them. "Uh oh."

"Jojo, Caesar."

Caesar looked back at her. She was carrying Josar. He giggled. "Granny is really nice!" He smiled. "She said she was going to give me cookies!" Josar said, cquirming out of her gripped. He ran over to Caesar. "Padre, Padre!" He held up his hands to be pick up. Caesar smiled, picking him up. He is weak for this child. LisaLisa crossed her arms. "Would you two like to explain why there is a child on the island?" She questioned. Joseph and Caesar laughed nervously. "So..long story short, Uhm. We made a baby." Joseph put it bluntly. "Don't take me as an idiot, Jojo." LisaLisa sighed. Caesar shook his head. "He is right, Master. We made him with Hamon somehow." Caesar explained. LisaLisa rose a brow. "With Hamon?" She questioned. "We were messing around and fighting. And we both just used the same move. Then it just happened." Joseph added. LisaLisa looked shocked. "I don't know anything about things like that." She thought for a moment. "We will just have to deal with him. I'll have Suzie take care of him during your training. We can't stop because of the little one. Especially with the PillarMen." She explained.

"Are you in trouble?" Josar asked. Caesar shook his head. "No, don't worry, okay?" "But what about the PillerMen Granny is talking about? Are they going to hurt you guys? I can help! I'll help you defeat them!" Josar said. Caesar shook his head. "No, you are not allowed." "What?! Why can't I help? I'm not a kid!" Josar pouted. "They are dangerous people. I will not have them hurt you." Caesar said. "But-!" "Josar, if you continue to ask me, I will ground you and Granny LisaLisa will not make you cookies." He said firmly. Josar immediately shut up. Caesar looked over at LisaLisa and Joseph, who were staring at him. "What?" Caesar asked, his face burned with heat. "Mama bear Caesarino." Joseph laughed. "Shut up!"

Joseph and Caesar had agreed on having Josar go to one of their rooms every other day, but Josar didn't want to. "I want to stay in a room with you both!" Josar crossed his arms. He frowned and looked up at them. "Then you'll say you can't share a room because there's only one bed!" Josar pouted. "I'm sorry, Josar, but we can't. There's only one bed." Caesar explained, he froze. "Did he just-" "THATS MY SON!" Joseph smirked patting his head. Caesar  couldn't help but to laugh a little. "Come on, Cae." Joseph smiled, Caesar looked at him. "I think it would be fine. Besides sharing a bed won't be too bad."

"Or you guys can just-"

Joseph covered Josar's mouth. "Come on, Caesar. Do it for him." Joseph said. Josar licked Joseph's hand repeatedly. Joseph wasn't budging. He huffed. Caesar sighed in defeat. "Alright. We will." He replied. Joseph smiled. "Great, let's use mine!" Joseph said, Josar shook his head.  "I think Padre's would be cleaner!" Joseph pouted, but he did have a point. Caesar snickered.

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