50) I Won't Give Up

Start from the beginning

He licks his bottom lip and shifts his weight before looking in my eyes. "I actually needed to talk to you about something."

I tucked some of my hair behind my ear nervously, "Okay?"

A slight sigh escaped his moistened lips before he answered, "I'm going to move back to New York." My eyes widen slightly and my lips parted, but he continued talking before I could even think of anything to say. "I will still come and see Lily as much as I can, but I feel like I need to move there; like now after everything, that is where I need to be."

I wanted to tell him that he had to stay. That I forbid him to change continents. But I have no right to. Tom can do whatever he wants, nothing I will say can change that. I know that he thinks that it's over, that I have signed the papers and that they are in the mail. I can't describe how I know, but I do.

I half heartedly, despite my internal struggle, shrug my shoulders, "If that is what you want."

He nodded and looked down at the ground. Maybe he was expecting that I would refuse his plan, or maybe he just doesn't want to look at me. I don't blame him, with everything , I wouldn't want to look at me. I feel so incredibly guilty, and that's stupid because I shouldn't. But the moment that I mentioned the word divorce it was like a switch flicked, and the old Tom peaked out to breathe the fresh air of reality.

"I'm going this weekend." He said after an awkward silence. I was about to reply when Lily came running back down the stairs and practically leapt into his arms.

I smile at the sight of her toothy grin before I looked back at Tom's face. "Alright, well the two of you have fun, and I guess that I will see you soon?" I asked hesitantly staring expectantly at Tom, knowing that they would not be having a fun time if he was going to tell Lily that he was moving.

He nodded before he sadly smiled and turned to leave with Lily attached at his hip.

I tried for the week to be normal. I tried to make it as normal as possible, especially since Lily drifted into a short of depression when she returned to my care. I wanted to cheer her up, but there wasn't anything I could say that would change anything.

It didn't help that the divorce papers lay in the drawer upstairs just waiting for my signature. Instead of focusing on trying to sign the papers, I have been trying to put it off and keep my mind focused on anything else besides Tom's departure and the final step of the divorce.

Today is the day where everything changes whether I sign the damn papers or not. Tom is coming this morning to say goodbye to Lily, and then he will be whisked off to New York some few hours later; almost like he never existed in my life in the first place. It makes my heart ache.

I tore through the drawer this morning to find the papers that have corrupted my life so, and just stared at them in my room for a little while, running through everything that happened in the past and trying to figure out where it all went wrong.

There was a light, almost no existent, knock on the bedroom door and in poked the head of Lily. Her face masked in a depressed state, her eyes cast to the ground.

I placed the papers on the newly made bed and patted my lap for her. She just stared at me, "I think that Daddy's here."

I looked at her curiously, usually she bounds down the stairs as if she was being chased only to hear the door bell ring signaling that she wasn't being crazy a moment later. I listened carefully for a few seconds but there was no ringing of the bell or knock on the door to justify her statement. "What makes you say that Lil?"

"His car is in front of the house." She said quietly her face turning to look at the dim light coming through the window. With my heart heavy with her appearance, among other things, I walked towards the window and pulled the light green drapes to the side, glancing through the blinds.

Because I Know There's No Life After You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now