Mace Windu: Anakin and Palpatine! Why did you have to chop of my hands though!

Count Dooku: same, along with my head

Ventress: forcelightening and Dooku

Obi Wan: I just evaporated into thin air

Anakin: idk man. Obi Wan killed me, Vader killed me, I blew up,

Jesse: got blown up. 😥

Hardcase: me too!

Gregor: same, and then I was shot

Fives: I almost saved everyone and then that clean freak Fox shot me!

Tup: vain

Aayla: killed by Bly and my other clones

Plo Koon: same. Oh my boys...😭😭😭

Kit: Palpatine and lightsaber

Grevious: Obi Wan blew up my heart

Maul: Obi Wan killed me. Twice.

Luminara: order 66

Yoda: died of old age I have

Ki Adi Mundi: order 66

Pre Visla: duel with Maul

Shak Ti: which death are we talking about now?

Padme: I died because I was sad

Satine: girl...

Anakin: seriously? I didn't think you could litterly die because I got a new job

Padme: you killed younglings Anakin!

Jesse: hey, how come their not on this chat then?

Youngling: master Skywalker-

Anakin: shut your pie hole or I'll kill you again!

Ventress: same

Obi Wan: -facepalm-

Fives: wow, very interesting deaths...

Count Dooku: yes, getting your hands and head chopped off is interesting

Hardcase: so is being blown up!

Gregor: not enjoyable though!

Anakin: so who wants to go out for dinner? I'm craving a hamburger at red Robin's.

Ventress: seriously

Padme: Anakin, we're dead!

Anakin: oh yeah, forgot. Wait...then how are we texting?

Yoda: the force it is.....

Fives: some of us aren't even force sensitive tho

Jesse: who cares, were dead!

Lol! Which Star Wars character has the safest death?

Meme of the week:

Imagine Maul with glasses for a minute now...

Also this is really cute:

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