chapter five • crazy, and beautiful

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i need the starshine of your heavenly eyes, after the day's great sun. — charles hanson towne

// kim taehyung

taehyung couldn't sleep. he spent more than an hour staring at the ceiling, while joohyun was in his arms. exhausted of their tiring but passionate intercourse, he was glad he could still relax. but he couldn't sleep.

his mind always go to the same thought. her. it was always her, but joohyun has already slowly taking it from her. from kim jisoo itself. sighing, he muffled joohyun's caramel locks and with his slender fingers, holding it was silky and soft.

the moonlight illuminated her skin, her milky white skin that shines in the moon's rays of light. she was sleeping soundly, in his arms with her small petite body on his body while her head on his torso.

he always thought that love is always wait waiting for. he waited for jisoo and come back, while making himself as single as possible. not even telling his parents about what he felt about her, but just once when he was a teen that his father already forgot it. being an heir was tiresome, and having a huge influential company on his shoulders, it was not easy to make mistakes then regret the decisions after. taehyung always keep his feet on the ground. thinking about his future, the way it will be and what it should be, and makes the right choices for the sake of it. but now, as if he was out in control.

it was so new and foreign for him to experience this things. especially having a woman this extravagant and beautiful, words he always associated with bae irene, now joohyun. loving someone and cherishing her was already being reserved to someone he once loved. but as if the strings was now on his pinky finger, he was feeling different as he used to be.

taehyung closed his eyes. his thoughts drifted into a future that made him smile a little bit, a future where joohyun looks at him as she flashed a bright smile, looking at their children playing infront of them.

hoping it would be his reality.

it was not easy to fall inlove, even letting your own walls break to a woman you barely knew. but taehyung reluctantly wanted her to break the walls that has covered his heart.

and he wanted to see her fire ignite again.

drifting off to sleep, he thought of her again. now, she was kissing him with such passion that he remembered her again with those lustful eyes.

damn. she really makes him go crazy.

light rays of the sun illuminated the room, and he slowly opened his eyes. joohyun was looking at him with her large beautiful eyes that he could even see the brown colors in her orbs. one hand on her face, she flashed a smile and kissed his lips.

"good morning, baby." joohyun said as she held his face softly. taehyung gave a smirk right back at her and held her from behind and put her body below him.

giggling, joohyun wanted to let go from his tight grasp but taehyung eventually kissed her lips softly so she stopped to move and became a jelly in his arms. as taehyung pulled apart, he gave her a smile, "good morning too, love."

it was almost like he was now enjoying and falling to the woman he once knew. bae joohyun was now in his arms like a small little girl wanting to be loved, with her prince charming. taehyung does not like to be a prince but he will eventually become joohyun's.

he moved away and joohyun immediately hugged him in the bed. he was now laying and there she was, beside him, hugging his body.

"i want to spend more time with you... i just... it feels right, you and me..." she muttered and he ruffled her hair.

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