Chapter 5 "Damn shes fast"

Start from the beginning

I heard whistles behind me and I turned around and saw the guys looking at us. Danielle blushed and we pulled apart.

"Hey dad can you teach Danielle the basics while we check out the trail" He nodded his head and I turned toward Danielle.

"Ok my dads going to teach you how to sit and lean on the bike when you go around turns. He won't bite you. We will be back after we check out the trails. I promise we'll be back soon." I gave her a quick kiss and walked to my truck I grabbed my helmet out of my bag, my gloves and goggles. I walked over to my fourwheeler and stopped.

I caught a glimpse of Danielle and she was wrapping her arms around herself. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head.

"Baby it's going to be ok, everything's going to be fine. I don't have to go if you don't want me to." She pulled away and looked at me.

"No you go I'll be fine trust me you need to practice to dont worry all the time about me." I looked back at her.

"Are you sure baby." She shook her head and I walked over to my quad.

The guys did the same and we all started our bikes and hit the trails.

We got my dad to start the race because anytime were all on the trails were racing. We hit the throttles when my dad flew his arms down. I was in first but was soon past by Tyler.

I didn't know how much I missed this untill now. All the tress wizzing by. The dirt kicking up behind me. I missed the thrill of going fast around every turn and hitting it faster on the straight stretches.

We finished the race and I was in last place. We rode back to the canopy. My dad was working with Danielle and was showing her what to do if something happens.

Once we killed our engines we pulled off our helmets and gloves and just sat on our quads.

It looked like dad was in the middle of a lesson so we just chatted amongst ourselves.

"Danm dustin maybe you should be in their with Danielle. I didn't think you ever were that rusty." The whole group laughed.

"I know I just need to get back into the swing of things, give me time." My dad let Danielle go and she walked over to us. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"He said that I was a fast learner and that he could tell I had racing in my blood. He also wants me to watch you guys before I put a helmet on." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"That's great baby, hopefully you can ride today." I felt her smile againt her shoulder. I turned toward the guys. "Did you hear that." They smiled and pulled their helmets over their heads and buckled them.

I patted my seat and Danielle climbed on behind me. I motioned my dad to follow me and he hopped on his fourwheeler and followed us.

I dropped Danielle off at the bleachers because it had a nice view of the trail and the starting line. My dad walked over and raised his arms and let three fingers show which meant three laps. Once his arms fell we all hit our throttles.

We raced throught the woods. Dodging the trees that popped out of nowhere. Jack hit a tree and I zoomed by him.

I finished the race in third place. Which was better than last time. I knew I was going to have to work hard to get back to where I was. A lot of practicing.

We all pulled up and killed our motors and laid down on the bleachers. Three laps in a row.

"Dustin why don't you take Danielle out." We both sprang off the bleachers and walked back to the canopy to grab Danielle's helmet, gloves and fourwheeler. She drove us back and stopped and let me get off to get my quad.

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