Red light special

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Michelle pov

Tonight Liam and I will be doing something special well have sex we did it once on our honeymoon but Liam felt very insecure about himself not about the way "it" looks but about my reaction.

Kelly pov

I'm 7 months pregnant now and my hormones are all over the place Marlon and I need to have sex I mean we won't have time for sex once the baby is here I mean Junior has already walked in on us once so he's staying with my mom so I can get it on with my husband.

Bey pov

So Shawn and I are gonna be alone together for the first time in forever, no kids will be here no annoying jobs we have to take care of just me Shawn and our bed.

He was in the shower I was putting some nice sexy lingerie on the kind I knew he liked.

"Damn I look good" I thought admiring my nice butt.

"Hey you ready" Shawn stood in the doorway with nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Oh I've been ready" I smirked.

Kelly pov

Junior was gone and it was only marlon and I, I tried to make myself look sexy but my huge bump was in the way so I put on my laced nightgown the one I actually look good in, I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Beautiful" I turned and it was marlon he was looking at me smiling.

"What are you talking about" I asked smiling

"Kelly you look so radiant" he said pulling me toward him and he kissed me

"You're just saying that" I said he led me to the bed.

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world" he said as he sat down and I pulled him up to me so I could kiss.

He put one hand on my stomach and kissed me. I sat on his lap and we were making out and giggling as my nose touched his.

He grabbed my legs and pulled them behind him so I was sitting on top of him. I playfully pushed him on his back and I climbed on him more to reach his lips he rubbed my back kissing me back.

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