You Travel Back in Time

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You let out a yelp as you fly through the air and crash into something hard. it was a tree. There were sounds of a dog barking and you looked up to see a young man standing over you. "Miss, are you okay? Where did you come from?" You looked at him in confusion. 'Why does he look like my dad?' "Yes, I'm okay, but to be honest, I don't know where I am or how I got here." The young man helped me up, "My name's Jonathan Joetar, by the way." My eyes widen, "What? That's my father's name. I am known as (Y/n) Joestar, and I am the daughter of Jonathan Joestar and Erina Pendleton." 

The blue haired boy began to blush. "E-erina? Wait.. Am I your father somehow? What year do you come from?" "1893. Why? What year is it here?" "1867. Wow. I never would have thought Erina and I would have a child together." You explained to him about your adoption, and though flustered at the thought of marrying Erina, he eventually introduces you to her and explains your situation. The three of you become best friends and by the time You returned to your own time, it was obvious the two of them were meant to be. You also got to punch young Dio before you left.


You and Holly were playing together at the beach when suddenly the ground beneath you opened up and you two fell in. When your eyes opened, you were barely over the edge of the Hell Climb Pillar. "HOLY CRAP!!!" You cry out before pushing Holly away from you to protect her. Multiple pairs of footsteps could be heard running up the stairs toward you. Scrambling to get away from the Death Pit, you grab your sister and begin to sooth her as she was scared. " W-what h-happened??" She sobbed as you gave her a comforting hug. "Shhh It's gonna be okay. Just hang on." 

 Three figures appeared on the stairwell. A younger Grandma Lisa Lisa, Caesar, and.. Was that your dad? "INTRUDERS!" Said Caesar in disbelief as you glared at him, " We're not intruders, Caesar. Why are you saying we are, and who's that Brown haired weirdo beside you? Is that my dad?" They were all confused and Caesar wasted no time in attacking, hoping you two would fall into the Piller's grip. If you did, there would be no chance of escape, as it took all your energy to get yourself out. Carrying your non hamon sister would be too much. 

"BUBBLE CUTTER!!" Caesar shouted, sending the army of hamon filled bubbles in your direction. Holly screamed in terror and you put yourself in front of her, holding your hands out. "STAR SHOT!!" Your own star-shaped bubble cutter came flying out of your hands, yellow energy surrounding you as your combined attacks defeated each other. "They're hamon users!" The Italian man cried out in shock. Lisa Lisa and the idiot were watching you and your sister.

I stood defiantly and glared at him. "You are clearly not the Caesar Zeppili I know, and you are wrong. I am a hamon user, and not my sister. My name is (Y/n) Joestar, daughter of Joseph Joestar. This is my twin sister, Holly." My timid sibling waved shyly from behind me. "Wait," said the brown haired guy, "You said your father is Joseph Joestar. That's my name. If what you say is true, who is your mother? Also, who taught you hamon?" 

At the mention of your mother, you scouled. "Our mother is named Su-" I placed a hand over Holly's mouth. "What? Who is it?" "It's best if you find that out for yourself. As for who taught me hamon, Caesar actually did. I was impressed by his Bubble cutter at a young age and learned how to do it." Lisa Lisa was smiling and Holly removed herself from your hand, "Hey (Y/n), isn't that Grandm-" I put my hand over her mouth again, noticing Lisa Lisa's look of panic. 'The others don't know yet.' Soon you and Holly got acquainted with the family, and then there was a problem. 

You met Susie Q. You two didn't like each other from the start. When Lisa Lisa asked why you explained what happened and she sighed. "As much as I want nothing but happiness for my son, I can understand why it has to be this way." You and Caesar pulled a lot of pranks on Joseph and during the nighttime you had a feeling something was about to happen. The others were still up so you walked over to them. The ground opened up and you and your sister fell through with a cry of alarm. Returning to your own world, you landed on your father, who was looking for you and Holly. This time you ended up falling into the Hell Climb Pillar while Holly stayed at the top with your dazed father.

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