Chapter Ten: Eighth Year - Part III

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Like a force to be reckoned with
A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss
I will love you with every single thing I have

- Two by Sleeping at Last


Iris Malfoy was avoiding him and it was starting to drive him insane already.

Hermes feared he might have freaked her out during the Yule Ball. Perhaps, he had been a bit too forward... too eager. His lips hadn't been pressed against hers for very long when she immediately jerked away and bounded back to the castle without a single glance back. He, on the other hand, stupidly stared at her retreating back with horror and guilt, silently berating himself for losing control.

But was radiant that night and beautiful and how could he stop himself when she was looking at him like that? Ashamed, he knew he'd always wanted to do that ever since sixth year, when Malfoy started pulling him into hidden alcoves and empty classrooms just to wrap her arms around his torso. There were moments when he had to stop himself from tilting down and brushing his lips against hers because Merlin, dear Merlin, Malfoy was so close and her scent was dizzying and she was soft against his arms and Hermes had never felt this way before.

He couldn't fault her every time she scuttled away when he was within sight. Hermes tried to apologize one too many times but Iris would go away even before he had the chance.

Christmas holidays was a blessed distraction because Malfoy went home while he spent the remaining break with the Weasleys. They'd invited him over because his house was still devoid of his parents and it would be painful to spend the break alone. The Weasleys were a nice distraction, and once Harry came over to spend the remaining days of December, thoughts of Iris Malfoy's lips and eyes momentarily left him alone.

By the time he was seated in Hogwarts Express, Hermes felt wildly nervous in seeing her. He was relieved she didn't sit with him in the Heads' Compartment; he'd been trying to come up with a decent conversation starter if she ever did show up until they finally reached Hogwarts.

When he came inside their shared common room, the Slytherin hilariously jumped in fright and hastily gathered her things. She was already clambering towards her room when Hermes released a tired sigh.

"Malfoy," he called out. Thankfully, she stopped fleeing but hadn't turned around to look at him.

Hermes carefully walked closer. "I..."

He paused and bit his bottom lip. What was he going to say? That he'd never stopped thinking about her lips even though they were miles apart? That he'd really liked her, honest-to-Merlin like like her because she was beautiful and brilliant and fiery? That he'd like to get to know her better, hold her hand when they're together, kiss her freely without holding back?

Her shoulders were tensed when he finally stopped a few feet away from her.

With a sinking heart, he knew what he should say instead. "If puts your mind at ease," he started, "you can forget everything that happened during the Yule Ball, Malfoy."

He frowned, knowing it was for the best, if they were going to continue working as Heads. Although their biggest project had finally ended, they still had to continue working together until the end of the school-year.

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