Madelina (Hargreeves) Wright

Start from the beginning

25) Health:


26) Disabilities:

N/A, though she does take anxiety meds


1) Overused words or phrases:

She uses shut up a lot, especially with Luther

2) Catchphrase:

None, really

3) More optimistic or pessimistic:

She tends to be more optimistic

4) Introverted or extroverted:

Close to the middle of the scale, but a little more introverted

5) Put on airs:


6) Bad habits:

She gets angry easily, especially at Luther

7) Makes her laugh:

Saraya acting silly, August, some of her siblings' antics

8) Displaying affection:

Hugs, kissing August

9) Mental handicaps:

Anxiety and she takes meds for it

10) Being seen by others:

As a good, kind person

11) Sees herself:

As a good, kind person

12) Seen by others:

Good, kind person, except when she's mad

13) Strongest character trait:

Her love for her family

14) Weakest character trait:

Angers easily

15) Competitiveness:


16) Snap judgments or time to consider:

She takes time to consider, but makes snap judgments when those she loves are in danger

17) Reacting to praise:

She accepts it

18) Reacting to criticism:

When it's given nicely, she accepts

19) Greatest fear:

Losing her family and being unloved

20) Biggest secrets:

The things she went through as a kid

21) Philosophy on life:

Be kind to others

22) Last time she cried:


23) Haunts her:

All the things her father said to her, Thomas' death

24) Political views:


25) Stands up for:

When people are wrongly accused or blamed or attacked

26) Who she quotes:

Various people

27) Indoorsy or outdoorsy:

Outdoorsy; she loves being near water

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