The Start Of Something

15 2 0

Cali's POV
"Well, yeah. I didn't expect moving alone was going to bad that hard, you know." I exclaim.

"Well, you also did decide to move across the world to fulfill your dream, don't think it's that easy." Avery says with a laugh.

"I mean, you ain't lying either, but anyways, I'm going to head downtown to buy more things for my apartment. Talk to you later Avery!"

"Bye loserrr" Avery says before hanging up the phone.
I look at the time on my phone and "11:41am" appears on the lock screen of my phone.

"Alright, it's time to get up." I mumbled to myself.

I quickly lift my bed sheets and place it down on bed, just so that my bed looks "done." I headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth & throw my hair into a low ponytail. I grab some light gray sweats with graphic tee and some nikes I bought at footlocker just because it was on sale.

I go into the kitchen area and grab my wallet and car keys and head out the door. Since, I live in a complex with many floors & people, we have elevators which is literally the convenient things especially if you are moving in. I walked toward the elevator while checking my instagram feed.
Then all of sudden as the elevator was closing, I hear "Wait, WAIT!!! WAIT!" I look up from my phone to see this brown hair guys running towards the elevator. I put my hands between the closing doors, to stop them from closing. He runs in.

I look at him while he's out of breathe, his hands planted on his knees. "Thank you so much. Did not wanna take those stairs." He said still out of breath.

I laughed.

"Well, at least I saved you." I said while laughing.

He laughed

He gave me a confused glance.

"Are you like new around here? I have never seen you around this complex?" He asked while pointing at me awkwardly.

"Well, yeah. I moved in yesterday, I was just heading downtown to buy some things for my apartment."

"Oo that's cool. I suggest you go to Ikea just because they got a lot of options" He said.

"Oh okay, by the way, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Oh sorry, my name is Kian, Kian Lawley." He put out his hand to shake my hand.

I shook his hand. "I'm Cali, Cali Anderson"

in luv with u | kian lawleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon