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From the black depths of nothing,

She emerged, fully formed.

Dark wings spread behind her,

Long hair swirling, all the colors we see and more.

She wished there to be more,

And then there was.

Too much, too much, too much,

The weight of literally everything.

She was everything and nothing,

Just born, alone, and thrown in headfirst.

She sat there, crouched,

Head between her legs.

Breath coming fast,

Water surging in her brain.

Thoughts flew in and out,

And wings of fire.

Dizzying, disorienting,

The world dropping away.

Leaving her to hang there,

Suspended in the vastness of space.

Before she fell, descending at break-neck speed,

Colors curling around her.

She hit the bottom with a bang,

The world exploded outward.

Millions of tiny atoms and gasses spread outward,

Future scientists would wonder what caused it.

But now you know the real cause of the Big Bang.

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