4: Beach Party (Part 2)

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After two hours had passed, Reeve and Adam had gotten dressed in their swim wear: Adam with black shorts and Reeve with crimson colored shorts, and were heading towards the beach. It was a short walk away after all, they didn't mind. Once they arrived they were hit with the smell of pizza. burgers, and so many more kinds of junk food in addition with the sweet, salty smell of the ocean. The boys could see Vanessa and Mira already splashing each other in the water. They placed down their bags and towels as Kai approached them with a wide smile.

"Hey guys, glad you made it!", Kai said.

"You know I wouldn't miss out on a beach party", smiled Adam. After the boys had given their greetings they began to walk towards the water. Adam and Kai jumped in almost immediately, Reeve only stood near the ocean line with his arms crossed. Adam noticed this and swam towards Reeve. Adam looked up at him confused, "Don't you wanna get in? The water's great."

Reeve only shrugged, "Looks too cold to me."

Adam rolled his eyes and swam closer to him, "Come on, you said you wanted to come. Just try it, I promise you it'll be fun." Reeve opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. He only kept his position, still standing arms crossed observing the others. Adam smirked and got up out of the water. He then behind Reeve and put his mouth close to his ear, "I warned you." Before Reeve could even question what Adam meant he felt strong hands pushing him into the water. He yelped as he fell in, the cool water hitting his face, he could hear Adam laughing at him from the shore. 

After a minute he came up to the surface, spitting out water and gasping for breath. He turned to Adam, who was already getting back in the water, and scowled. "What the heck was that for!?", he bellowed at Adam who was now next to him smiling a stupid, triumphant smile.

"I tried to get you to come in the easy way, but you wanted to be fussy about it", Adam laughed. Reeve then splashed Adam with water. Adam shielded his face and smiled as he splashed Reeve back. Reeve tried to still appear mad but he couldn't help but let loose a laugh. They both continued splashing each other, smiling and having fun, until Adam dunked Reeve into the water once again. 

"Hey!", Reeve said as he came up.

He saw Adam beginning to swim away, taunting him, "That's what you get!"

Reeve smirked, "I'mma get you for that!", and quickly swam after him. Reeve continued chasing Adam as Adam swam further and further away from the group. Eventually Adam swam himself into an area of the water that was more secluded, it was surrounded by large shrubs which shaded the area from the blistering sun. As Adam came to a halt, trying to catch his breath, he looked around. He searched for Reeve to see if he was still chasing him. After a few moments of complete silence and still water he saw nothing. Adam began to grow worried as the seconds passed, "Reeve?", he called out but no reply, "Where'd you go?"

Suddenly he felt something wrap around his chest, accompanied by a familiar voice, "Got you!"

Adam jumped as Reeve wrapped his arms around him. Reeve laughed at Adam's jolt and soon after let go. Adam turned to Reeve and gave a cheeky smile, "Heh, thought I lost you there for a second."

"I scared you didn't I?", Reeve said mischievously, clearly proud of his stunt.

Adam chuckled, "Yep, you did. Just don't ever vanish like that again." Both boys smiled at each other. Adam raised his hand to Reeve's cheek and kissed him. Reeve succumbed to the kiss and kissed back, placing his hands on Adam's waist. For some reason I don't feel scared to do this anymore. A loud rustle sounded from the bushes. Reeve and Adam jumped back as both their eyes darted to whatever made the sound. Out of the shrub stepped Mira, she wore a navy blue two piece with pictures of dolphins on it, she looked at the two and waved.

"Hey Adam, Reeve", she said.

Adam smiled at her awkwardly, "Hey Mira...what are you doing here?"

She smiled and looked between both boys, "Just watching what you two were up to." Adam and Reeve blushed as they exchanged glances, "I also came here to tell you we were about to eat, and by the way, you guys make a really cute couple." She flashed another sweet smile as she turned around and headed back the way she came.

Adam glanced at Reeve who was still bright red and shocked. He swam to him and put an arm over his shoulders, "She wasn't wrong", he smirked, "we both are really cute. Especially you." Adam booped Reeve's nose.

Reeve smiled and playfully nudged Adam, "Thanks for telling me the obvious", he said sarcastically. Adam rolled his eyes and grinned as Reeve started swimming away, "Now come one I'm starving! Race you there!"

"Oh it's on!", said Adam as he swam after Reeve.

Reeve X Adam: Enemies turned loversWhere stories live. Discover now