"Where's my daughter?" Jung asked while looking at you, but the question was directed to one of his lackeys. Specifically the one who was giving to the half hearted torture, but as now standing straighter with his arms behind his back. It was a bit ridiculous to watch, what you were witnessing now was an equivalent to when a rowdy classroom goes dead silent when their principle from hell walks in.

"Actually sir, she hasn't given up any information and refuses to talk." He answered with instead, avoiding eye contact with Jung as he stared elsewhere while been frozen in place.

Looking over at you after staring down his own man, you gave Jung a shrug that caused him to pinch the bridge of his nose. "If it doesn't want to talk then you make then," Before you could make any educated guesses as to where he was going with that, Jung landed a solid kick into your chest that was strong enough to knock you back. Landing you on your ass, you didn't have much time to react before he grabbed you from the collar of your shirt. His facial wrinkles became defined as he tried to give you a menacing glare down towards you, "Now, where's my daughter."

As if Jung was doing this all to make a show of leadership, however from the collective faces of mild disinterest boarding on general disgust. You couldn't hold back any longer as a laugh escaped your lips. Put off by your sudden burst of laughter, Jung proceeded to asked through gritted teeth, "What the fuck could be so funny to you."

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought it was obvious to everyone including you," You happily began to explain while shooting Jung the most unsettling glare, "No one here follows you in loyalty out of admiration or respect, they all fucking fear you and your temper tantrums. Your holding position must be in such a fragile state to have gotten to this point."

Unable to make a comeback, Jung stared at you wordlessly as a blood vessel nearly burst from his aged forehead. After a near eternity, Jung could barely muster a simple, "What?" Without a stutter running through it.

"You heard me you overgrown bitch, my skills besides kicking your fucking ass also include calling peoples bullshit out without being a fucking genius to understand whats going on." Your voice dripped pure venom as you didn't holdback, throwing Jung off effectively as you weren't recoiling in fear at him. He's lost his touch and you knew that in an instant. You've had brushes with death before on various occasions. What you felt now didn't nearly amount to anything compared to the adrenaline bursts you felt in those near death experiences.

"You're losing your touch and people, at this point these guys would rather follow orders under any other Jung except yours." Sneering at him, you shot him a shit eating grin as you kept rubbing salt into the wound, "You're so pathetic, I kind of feel a little bad for you, like a useless dinosaur overdue for extinction. All of this is being done in desperation, because when your self made empire finally comes apart at the ripping duct tape. How many people do you have coming after you? Once the illusion washes away that your still a powerful mafia head, your going to have every enemy, past allies, and all the other shitheads in between wanting to settle a score with you." As you had everyone listening to every single word, you directed your next comment to the Jung grunts in the room, "That includes you guys too, you're safe right now but how far will your expired undying loyalty last? If any of you have half a brain cell you'd follow after someone more competent and well, less of a shithead."

Taking everyone's silence in, you asked, "Any follow up questions?"

Taking the reins back, Jung asked bitterly, "Just one, any last fucking words?" He said as he began to reach a hand around to the back of his person.

Still unfazed as he reached for whatever, the door was opened again suddenly. Loudly hitting the wall as who ever opened it did so with great urgency. At his peak of annoyance, Jung yelled, "What is so important that you're interrupting me here?!"

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now