1. Unpleasantly Pleasant

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Hi guys thank you so much for the response to my prologue. It makes me happy to write. All your love and appreciations are my strength. Here is the first part of my story....

Happy reading everyone...

        A beautiful and a pleasant morning. The sun rays peeping through the window just touched his handsome and charming face which disturbed him from the night long sleep. The rays reached his chocolate brown eyes (which were now closed) as the curtain is slightly open due to the lovely morning breeze entering through the window. He slowly opened his eyes with a lot of laziness in it. The moment he opened his eyes, automatically his lips also curved upwards and smile brightly. He just saw the most beautiful girl cocooning under the blanket and sleeping peacefully. His morning always start with this mesmerising face since 7 years. He moved slightly from his place and kissed her forhead lovingly so that her sleep won't be disturbed and whispered,

      "Happy Birthday love. Today,you are going to get the best gift ever. I love you, sweetheart."

        And he silently got up from his place to slide himself towards the washroom.
As he got freshen up he went to the kitchen to prepare her favourite breakfast as it was her day. He was happily preparing with all the singing and dancing by himself. But suddenly he stood mumm when he felt two tiny hands wrapping around his waist. And he heard her voice,

        “Good Morning,PAPA"

          He just turned around and lifted his daughter with a wide grin on his face. He is the happiest dad in the world. His thanking prayers would never complete and would never be enough to have a beautiful, lovely and the most adorable daughter. All these 7 years he would have died if she was not there. His world rotate only and only around her. He was lost in his world and did not even realise that he was hugging her soo tightly that she shouted in anger,

          “Paapa........ I can't breath..... Leave me....... And I think something is burning."

          With this loud trance Abir just came back to his senses. Yesss..... that crazy father who is crazily in love with his daughter is none other than Abir......... Mr. Abir Rajvansh.

       “ Oh.... Sorry baby..... You are so lovely and beautiful that I didn't realise something is burning."

        Saying this he turned towards the pan just to find a burnt sandwich. At this humorous sight both burst out laughing.

        “Actually I was making your favourite double cheese burst bread. No problem.... we will make it again."

        Misha Rajvansh, the only lifeline of Abir, she was standing on a stool and adoring her cute father and helping him. But suddenly her expression changed and said with a pout,

       “Papa..... I am angry with you."

          Abir being a cute father,
          “Hawww........what have I done? I just know how to love you and nothing else."

        “ Very funny Papa..... You didn't even wish me today...... No happy birthday, no good morning, no present, no kissy...."

     Saying this she turn around, she was a kid and she was really crying.

      Abir could not handle this. He can't see her tears. He always tells her that they are very precious and she should not waste them. He can't see her sad even if it was an acting but no.... it's not an acting and he just can't bear his emotions running inside him. He immediately turned off the induction and lift his daughter from the chair and hugged her tightly and said,

THE RAINBOW OF LOVE ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora