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Aoi's pov:
I push the kitchen doors and meet eyes with Mammon's stupid glasses.
Mammon: Finally, took ya long enough.
Me: oh shut up, will you?
Mammon: listen,when I call you, you need to come lickity-split. I'm hungry, and I'm in a bad mood to boot. Ya shoulda known that.
Me: as if I care.
Mammon: whatever! Let's have a look at what's in the fridge and see what we find.
He opens the door and looks into it, shuffling through the stuff.
Mammon: ugh. There's nothin' good here. Wait, now...what do we have here? Looks like a custard.
But it as a note...
Mammon:Here, eat this. I need an accomplice. I don't wanna be the only one in trouble.
Me: I don't wanna be in trouble either!
He pushes the cup in my hands and I look at it. Especially the note.
Me: it's says: «property of Beelzebub, eat it and you die». I am definitely not eating this.
Mammon: you've gotta be seriously brave to eat this custard here. If you can do that, I'll admit you've got some guts. So you're gonna do it right? What am I sayin? Do it. That's an order.
Me: Don't order me around! Why don't you eat it mammon?!
Mammon: I don't wanna be the only one eating it and getting in trouble! You're already an Accomplice in this. You were from the second you agreed to meet me here. So, go in, eat it!
Wow, he's actually smart sometimes. I take the spoon and take a bite of the custard. I have to say, it's super sweetly good..
mammon: AH! There we go! You did it! You totally are Beel's custard! I saw ya!
Oh he's looking for me? He's gonna find me.
I take a big spoonful of Custard and shove it in his mouth.
Mammon: HMPH?!
I smile proudly.
Me: Ah! Look! Mammon's eating beel's custard!
I start laughing. He looks hilarious like that!
What a clown.
He pulls the spoon out of his mouth and throws it somewhere.
Mammon: ya got a lot of nerves human!
Me: eh! Guess I do!
The door opens suddenly and I turn around.
Mammon: D'AH!....Beel...What's the big idea sneakin' up on us like that? How long have you been there...?
Beelzebub:....did you eat my custard?
I look at the empty jar on the counter. Shit.
Beelzebub: did you actually eat my CUSTARD?! Answer me, mammon!
Mammon: n-now wait a second beel! Lemme explain! There's a good reason for—
Beelzebub: you did, didn't you?
A flash of light appears and I close my eyes shut. When I open it I jump in shock.
F-fly wings and horns-
Mammon: uh-oh!
I feel mammon's hand slowly push me further behind him.
~time skip~
Lucifer: and then what happened?
How did a midnight snack even end up like that? God, send me patience
Mammon: COOOOME OOOON! How many times are ya gonna make me say it? I was hungry, so I went to the kitchen look in' for something to eat...and while I was look in' through the fridge, beel suddenly came up out of nowhere and attacked me!
Beelzebub: you ate my custard.
Technically we did but I'm not looking to get killed today.
Mammon: No I DIDN'T eat your custard, beel! I told ya, I was just holdin' it in my hand, that's all.
Beelzebub: Liar. You were eating it. I could tell. The lid was off.
Why do I feel like I went back to the day where Mary and Yukii were fighting over a stupid cookie?
Mammon: wha? Well don't look at me it was probably open to begin with.
Beelzebub: I made sure I had my name written on it and you still ate it.
Mammon: Eh? You wrote your name?
Beelzebub: oh yes. It said "property of Beelzebub. You eat it. YOU DIE."
Mammon: oh...really? Huh....I never noticed....
Beelzebub: that was my custard.
Mammon: you never give up, do ya? But whatever, it doesn't have nothin' to do with me anyway, 'cause Aoi is the one who ate it.
I turn to look at him. What. A. SNITCH.
Me: Mammon, you talked me into doing it and you ate some too!
Mammon:wha....hey! Are you tryin' to push the blame on me now?!
Beelzebub: I knew you were the one behind this before Aoi even said anything, mammon.
Mammon: Now hold on a second here. Wow, you don't trust your older brother even a little, do ya?....I mean, I knew you didn't, but still.
Lucifer: Let me get this straight. Mammon was hungry, so he went Rummaging for food in the kitchen, and he dragged Aoi along with him. That's when he found beel's custard. Then, he talked Aoi into eating it before him. And when beel saw what had happened, he was so angry that he lost control of himself and went on a rampage. The kitchen ended up getting destroyed, along with Yukii's room, which was on the opposite side of the wall from it. All because of yoUR LITTLE PRANK.
Mammon: ...well, I guess that pretty much sums it up,yeah?
Beelzebub:My custard....
lucifer: now listen, and listen well. First of all you three—
Mammon: ugh...I can tell this Is gonna take forever.
Beelzebub: it's not fair, I'm the victim here.
Me: the only victim in this room is Yukii and only her.
I glare at them and then to look at Yukii.
Me: I'm sorry for your room.
She nods at me and looks away.
Lucifer: did you two just say something?
Mammon: wha?...ⁿᵒ ⁿᵘᵗʰᶦⁿ'
Lucifer: to begin with,your recklessness has impacted not just Diavolo,but also...
~three hours later~
Lucifer:...So,now that we've got that straight, I expect of you to learn something from all of this.
Mammon:W...Wow...that took forever...
Beelzebub: I'm hungry...
they don't give a fuck..
Lucifer: Yukii, it seems like you won't be able to use your room for some time. You know, since it lacks walls now. So, for the time being, I want you to stay in beel's room.
Yukii: Uh?!
Mammon: Wha??
Me: what a minute, why are you putting her In Beelzebub's room?! There's enough space for her to be in my room, or Marylynn's room.
Lucifer: Are you going against my saying?
I feel a sharp flare on me and a Shiver goes up my spine.
Lucifer: this is a trivial matter. If I'm not mistaken, there's an extra bed in Beel's room.
Me: gr..
Lucifer: do you understand Beel. This isn't a request.
Beelzebub: yeah, I understand.
~some time later~
Yukii's POV:
Beel opens a room and I almost gasp.
It's so pretty..
Beel:so,this is my room.
There's two bed...is it representing the Dawn and Dusk...? I start walking toward the bed on the right, it's beautiful..purple is on of my favourite colour after all..
Beel: no. Use my bed. It's the one in the Left.
I stop in my track.
Me: s-sorry! I should have asked!
Beel: it's okay. Just don't use the bed on the right. I'll sleep on the couch.
Isn't it uncomfortable..?
Me: why?
Beel: the bed in the right Is my twin brother's.
A twin...?
I've only met 6 brothers..this could explain why..
Beel: his name is Belphegor. He's in the Human world right now as an exchange student.
Me: you've got a twin brother?
Beel starts smiling.
Beel: yeah. We don't look alike thought. Actually, we're total opposites.
His Beelzebub Dawn...and belphegor Dusk..?
His smile flatters.
Beel:....Belphie had a Falling out with Lucifer, so he was chosen to be an exchange student. Belphie didn't want to go, but he was forced. So don't mention his name to Lucifer.
me:...I want to know more about Belphie.
Beel: even thought we're twins,all that means is that our father made us at the same time. It's not like we're alike in any way. Still, Belphie and I always got along. We used to have a little sister,Lilith. So the three of us were always together: Belphie, Lilith and me....but that was a long time ago now.
Me:..can I know more about Lilith..?
He looks sad and pained..
I feel panic raising up in me.
Me:I-I mean! It's fi-fine if you don't feel like it!
Beel: I don't feel like talking about her right now. When Belphie comes back to the devildom, you'll go back to the human world with Aoi and Marylynn.Which mean, you two are never gonna meet each other.
???: you have to start by gaining their trust. And if you want to do that,you can't tell them you came here and spoke with me. Whatever you do,don't mention that. Let's see...you should probably start with....BEELZEBUB. Yes, he'd be the best choice.you need to get close to him
...why does my Brain immediately thinks about the boy from the attic..I look up and stare at the Huge boy in front of me.
Beel:....what?why're you staring at me like that?i told you didn't I? Belphie and I are twins,but we don't look alike.
Me:..Can I see a picture of Belphegor's face?
He nods.
Beel: you know the portrait hall, right? I'm pretty sure there's a picture of him there.
~in the portrait hall~
Beel: see? Right there, that's Belphie.
My eyes widen. There's no more doubt. It's him. The occupant of the attic is none other than Belphegor the avatar of Sloth himself.

 The occupant of the attic is none other than Belphegor the avatar of Sloth himself

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