Suffering in Silence (Levi x Injured Reader)

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You stayed completely still as Levi sat on the bed next to you. He then leaned over to examine your shoulder.

"I'm going to have to move your strap out of the way," he murmured, "...if that's alright."

"Sure," you replied, trying not to let your nervousness show in your voice. "No problem."

Levi gently slid the strap of your tank top down your arm. Although you were still modestly covered, the fact that Levi was removing any piece of your clothing sent heat rushing to your face. You desperately tried to calm your blush by reminding yourself that he was just tending your injuries. He didn't mean anything by it.

He asked softly, "How badly does it hurt, (f/n)?"

Instinctively, your body relaxed at that calming sound. Although Levi's voice was sharp most of the time, he occasionally took a gentler tone with you – usually when you were alone, or at least far enough removed that no one else could hear. You guessed it was because you had gotten to know him a little better, being his subordinate and all, but you also never questioned it. When he spoke to you like that, it put you at ease, and it was just one more thing that you loved about him.

"I've had worse, sir," you muttered in response.

"I've told you, you don't have to call me that when we're alone," Levi chided, but his voice held no reproach.

As Levi removed your bandages, his fingers lightly grazed your skin. Butterflies danced in your stomach at the contact, and you froze. You willed this embarrassing feeling to go away. However, you couldn't deny that you liked how delicately he handled you, and not just at this moment. Although Levi rarely touched you, whenever he had to – whether it was during training, or an expedition – he always treated you carefully. It was so different from his typically rough and cold manner.

Speaking of, as soon as Levi beheld your wounds, he scoffed. "Tch. These cuts are still dirty. You should've had someone help you right away if you couldn't see them properly."

"You're right, sir," you mumbled, your gaze falling to the floor at his harsh tone. "I'm sorry to be such a bother to you."

You felt Levi stop moving for a moment. Then he sighed. "It's no bother, (f/n)," he said quietly. "I...I just want to make sure you're taken care of."

You nodded, keeping your gaze on the floor. That was just one more thing you admired about him – how, deep down, he truly did care about his comrades' well-being, even if he didn't act like it most of the time. Unfortunately, it seemed that was the extent of his feelings for you. You were just his subordinate, nothing more.

You sat in silence as Levi cleaned and bandaged your wounds. Once he was done, he carefully pushed the strap of your tank top back to its proper position, his fingers resting on the unmarred skin of your shoulder.

Then, you felt his calloused fingers replaced by something softer. The touch only lasted for a second, but it felt like...

You flicked your eyes over to Levi, only to see his lips hovering just a hairsbreadth above your bare skin.

When you realized what he had done, you were paralyzed with shock. However, that shock quickly dissipated as you were instead filled with longing – a longing so intense that your chest constricted from the force of it.

Levi's eyes widened when your gaze met his, as if he also couldn't believe what he had just done.

Neither of you moved, not a single muscle. The tension between you only grew as the seconds dragged on. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore. Fighting against the knot in your chest, you managed to breathe his name, both as a question and a plea.

As if your voice had snapped an invisible tether, you were suddenly both moving. You met in the middle, your lips delicately pressing together, each of you still unsure of how you would be received. Levi immediately cupped your face in his hand as if on instinct – as if he had been longing for this just as much as you had. His eyelids fluttered closed as he relished the feeling of your soft mouth molding to his own, not wanting to let you go.

The kiss only lasted a brief moment, but in that moment, everything was perfect. You melted into him, and you were home.

When you pulled back, you went slowly, wanting to linger in that feeling of rightness just a little longer. Your eyes drifted up to meet Levi's. There was a tenderness in his grey-blue orbs that you had never seen before.

Then, as if breaking from a spell, he quickly averted his gaze, clearing his throat. "You...probably already g-got this, but..." he stuttered quietly, "...I l-like you, (f/n). A lot."

Butterflies swirled in your stomach, and you suddenly found it very difficult to breathe. A soft but elated grin spread across your face. "Well, that's good," you managed to whisper, "because I like you a lot, too."

At your words, Levi's eyes returned to yours. His gaze was hesitant, but also hopeful. Upon seeing the sincerity in your expression, the smallest of smiles tugged at his lips.

Your heart stopped in your chest.

You two simply stared at each other, savoring the warmth of the moment – until your stomach grumbled.

"Heh, heh," you laughed sheepishly. "I guess I haven't eaten in a while."

"Tch," Levi scoffed, but the smile still played at his lips. He stood, then held out a hand for you. A faint blush graced his cheeks. "Do you...want to go get dinner?"

You giggled at how nervous he was. You weren't used to this side of Levi, but you found it adorable. You hoped that you would see more of it now that your feelings were out in the open.

You placed your hand in his, your smile growing as you said, "Dinner would be great."

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