Littermates: Chapter 9

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"Hey, Lilysky. I figured something out about the clans," I said.

Lilysky smiled. "Like?"

"Leaders have "star" in their names. Why haven't you received "star" at all?" I asked.

"I'm... uh... You... Well, I guess you found out my secret. I'm not a leader at all," Lilysky said, "They haven't gave me the name, this clan used to be abandoned, so I claimed it. Nobody made me a leader."

I stood there, silently. "Oh?"

I walked away, not thinking of anything. I went to Snowfall, I really needed to talk to her about something I've never mentioned. "Hey, mother," I said, licking my paw.

"Hello, Ivydawn. There's something on your mind?" Snowfall said.

"Yeah. So, me and Badgerpaw have been sneaking out the Waterfall clan territory for a while now, and... Me and him had a one night where we didn't just hang out..." I meowed, looking down.

"You're having kits?!" She shouted.

"Yes, don't tell anyone. Especially Badgerpaw!" I said.

"Lilysky?" Snowfall asked.

"Sure, but don't tell her to tell anyone. I mean, I guess you can tell my father... just I need to keep a secret for at least a moon," I said.

Badgerpaw walked towards me. "Hey, Ivydawn."

I looked at Lilysky. Lilysky told me to meet her in her den. "Give me a second," I said.

"You have to tell him. If you're going to have his kits, you must tell him," Lilysky said.

I purred. "I can't!" 

"I've been hiding a secret from you and Badgerpaw- well it mainly is for Badgerpaw. I didn't give him a proper warrior name, so I kept Badgerpaw for him. He has a apprentice name," she said.

"Well change it!" I hissed.

Lilysky sent Badgerpaw to her den at noon. "You're name is now Badgerblaze."

"Really? Thanks, I guess," Badgerpaw said.

Two moons past by and I was ready to give birth. Apparently, Ambernose had to help me out to give birth. I was still incredibly skeptical about her, especially being mates with a young tom who became an apprentice twelve moons ago. "You're going to need to trust me, Ivydawn."

"Just help me out, don't make eye contact with me, I'm going to fight through this pain," I said.

"Does Badgerp- Badgerblaze know?" Ambernose asked.

I hissed. "No, he doesn't. Now help me, I don't know how many kits I'm having!"

Ambernose was very nervous, but pretty calm about the situation. She knew that I wouldn't take the situation well. Liquid started to come out and four kits, two looked like Badgerblaze, two looked like me came out. I looked at my kits. "Where did you and Badgerblaze even meet up?"

"You ask too many questions. Now please get out of here. Do not touch my kits!" I hissed.

I looked outside the den to see Badgerblaze looking for me. "Ivydawn?" he asked.

"Here," I replied.

He came instead, shocked but very excited. "You have.. kits?"

"It was pretty easy to tell," I smiled. "I was getting a little chubby, don't you think?"

"I'm a father?" Badgerblaze said.

"Yes! Now, let's name these future warriors. Their eyes are still closed," I said.

"Can we name one of them Dewkit? I've always wanted that name for my future kits!" Badgerblaze asked.

"Of course, name another, I need to check their genders," I said.

"Dewkit looks exactly like you! He's a male!" he said, excitedly. 

I laughed. "Yes, Badgerblaze. My little twin!" I said.

He smiled and rested his head on my back. "Rosekit is this little she-cat. She looks like me," he said.

"Mistykit for your other twin?" I asked, giggling.

"Of course, we can name them whatever you'd like," Badgerblaze said.

"Now for my last kit. His name will be Willowkit, is that fine?" I asked.

"As I said, anything you'd like! Two males, two females!" Badgerblaze said.

I stood up and Dewkit opened his eyes. He didn't want to stand up. "He has my eyes too!" Badgerblaze said.

Next, Mistykit opened her eyes. Dewkit stood up right after. "It's okay, take your time..." I said.

Badgerblaze smiled, but his smile faded away very quickly. "You hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what?" I asked.

"The hissing? Wait... There's a attack! Stay here with the kits!" Badgerblaze said as he rushed outside. I stood up and Willowkit opened his eyes. I can't... I have to stay here... "Mama?" Willowkit whispered.

"Yes, Willowkit?" I whispered back.

Willowkit lied down. "Sister isn't opening her eyes!" 

Rosekit opened her eyes. "I'm up!"

I looked outside the den and saw Lilysky battling with a Marine clan cat. Badgerblaze tried to attacked the cat, so the cat ran. Lilysky was lying down, bloody. "You know... you're having kits?" she asked.

"I already have kits. Ivydawn gave birth," Badgerblaze said.

I ran outside of the den. "Kits, stay here, okay? Mama is going to be back," I said.

The kits played-fought. "Lilysky! Don't leave us... please!" I said.

"It's time for me to go. I will watch you in Star clan," Lilysky said.

I cried. "Whatever happens... always protect Waterfall clan!" I said.

"It's time for you... to become the leader. Redeem the star," she said. Shortly after, she died.

I was confused but mainly upset. My leader died. She didn't have a deputy. She didn't have much help, Badgerblaze did his best. "I... I couldn't save her!"

"It's fine. Let a moon go by, I will become a leader," I said, walking back inside the den. The kits were asleep. Badgerblaze stood there, looking at Lilysky's body lying there.

Blackthorn walked inside the den. "Hey, Ivydawn. You shouldn't become the leader, you know, of Waterfall clan. I should, or your mother. Maybe even Spiderspring. We've spent incredibly many moons in this clan, we deserve it," Blackthorn said.

"Father, it's my destiny. Our own leader told me to, even died without me even blinking," I hissed.

Blackthorn was not happy, so he walked out. "Congrats on the kits. But you just can't!" Snowfall said.

"Mother, please!" I said.

"You have kits to raise. You're a queen now, not a leader. Spiderspring will become our leader, you can be a leader once you're kits are six moons old," she said.

I looked away, then looked at my kits. "You have a point."

Snowfall nodded and walked away. Badgerblaze walked in, cuddling with our kits. "You'll be a leader, it's just not the time," he said.

"Please don't remind me. My own parents doubted me. I need to be a leader, but I'll wait six moons. I'm sure that I can send my kits to another clan though," I said.

"Don't do that. We'll vote for Spiderspring," he said.

I lied down. "Okay."

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