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"Can I come in?" I begged as the rain pounded against both the pavement and my skin, making me shiver from the brisk cold feeling that spread throughout my body. My teeth chattered while I stood outside begging him to open the door and at least listen to me.

Ignoring the after effect the rain had on me, I called out to him again. Through the window I could see him sitting on the couch, he was still in the blue three piece suit he had worn to the event we had both attended.

"Please, Ryan just listen to me! You're getting it all wrong!" I said, practically yelling at the top of my lungs just so I could be heard over the sound of the rain and thunderstorm. I knew I was nowhere near as loud, but I was sure he heard me

, "Can, you ah-t lee-east o-open the do-or. P-p-l-leease," I said through gritted teeth, as a result of the shiver surging through me. Hot tears fell freely from my eye, contrasting perfectly to the freezing rain.

"No!!!" His voice boomed round the entire house, giving me a front seat show of his emotions. I jumped in fear from the sound of his voice, his voice held hatred and detest, something I would never in my life attribute to the sweet, loving and soft Ryan that I know. He had just said one word and that word was able to rip my world apart, utterly and completely.

It was like I didn't even deserve his words nor his ears to hear what I had to say.

Slowly, I sat down on the ground letting my tears escape my eyes and roll down my pink cheeks, not caring how wet and irritating it was, not caring if the white satin dress I was wearing was going to get terribly stained, the worst part is that I also didn't care how harmful the cold outside, and my non stop crying was to my health.

After sitting like that on the puddled ground, for God knows how long, I stood up. Looking through the window, I noticed Ryan was no longer sitting on the couch, I hurriedly went to the front door to check if he had opened it. To the crumpling of all my high up hopes, he didn't.

I took one last look at the house I had shared with him for the past two years after we got married. I couldn't stop myself from shedding more tears as I walked down the lonely dark road of the streets barefooted, alone, and with nothing but the shoes in my hand.

How easy was it to throw two beautiful years out the window or flush it down the toilet without a second thought? I asked myself while rubbing my free hand over my arm to generate a little bit of heat.

Even though we didn't get along during the first phase of our marriage, we were currently living like we had known each other and had dated like normal teenagers.

I found a bench on one corner of the dark street and sat on it. My feet were hurting badly, it was so painful that it felt like they couldn't continue the journey to an unknown destination with me. I gazed at my surroundings, I sat near a locked store. I couldn't see much else though, for it was far to dimly lit.

I placed my head in my hands. I was shivering from the cold, so much that you could hear my shivering through my shaky breath. I thought about the beautiful life I had just been shut out of and reminisced about the memories.

My eyelids were becoming heavy, so heavy that I was having trouble keeping them open. So I laid down on the bench, tucking my arm under my head, and slept. I dreamt of the day my father had told me I was to be married, but not wholly

I had just returned from college after acquiring my masters degree in business management. I can still remember how happy I was to see my dad and introduce my boyfriend to him, Nathan whom I had met a month back and was madly in love with.

The Woman He DetestsWhere stories live. Discover now