Chapter 3

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Avu and her friends reach college. All the boys were staring at them.
(Our girls are so hot after all 😎😎😎😎😎)

Reem: Look all the boys are looking at us

Jan: Obvio na. We have the most beautifulgirl in our group (pointing towards Avu)

Anu: Yep you are right Jan

Avu: Shut up guys. Let's go

They move inside and Anu suddenly sees two guys.

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Yep they are our heroes- Sid and Riyaz😁😁😁😁

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Yep they are our heroes- Sid and Riyaz😁😁😁😁

Anu looks at Rii.

Anu: OMG!!! He is so hot and handsome 😍😍😍😍😍

Reem: Yee. The other one (Sid) is also so handsome

Jaan: Ya

Avu rolls her eyes.

Avu: Are you guys alright? He looks like an idiot (looking at Sid)

Suddenly Sid bumps into a girl and her books fell down.

Sid: Can't you see? Are you blind? 😡😡😡😡😡😡

Girl: (with tears in eyes) I am sorry 😢😢😢😢😢

Sid: Whatever

Rii: Bro leave na let's go

Rii holds his hand and takes him.

Avu and her friends see everything.

Avu: Did you guys saw how handsome he is? Bastard 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Jan: But still he is handsome

Reem: Ya. I agree

Avu: Ugh!!! You guys are mad. I am going

Avu leaves. All girls go after her.

They go to principal's office to collect time table.

After coming out from office, they see Sid and Rii.

Anu: Hey see. Same guys

Rerm: Yup

Jaan: I wish they are also in same year

Avu: You guys are totally mad. What is so special in those guys?

Anu: Avu you won't understand

Avu: Forget it. Let's go or we will be late. I don't wanna get late on first day

They all go for class and sit on last bench.

Suddenly they see Sid and Rii entering the class.

Jaan: I am so happy

Avu: Oh Gosh!!!! Why are these idiots in our class? 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Anu gets up and move towards Rii and
To be continued

How will Rii react?
Will Sid ever change?
Will Sidneet ever fall for each other?

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HER ARROGANT LOVER {COMPLETED} ✔️✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora