Chapter 39: Breaking out of the Hospital

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"Ya, I don't think that chimera will leave the little one alone," Peter chuckled. "I don't know I mean I haven't raised a kid before."

"Fortunately, you won't be doing it alone," Derek walked in getting off the phone with Stiles.

"So, you are good with this?"

Derek nodded his head. "Let's go break Liam out of the hospital," Peter said to his nephew and daughter.

Argent came into the hospital, waiting to avoid any suspicion outside with Theo's truck. Derek, Peter, and Malia pulled up beside the man.

"So, we go in to take care of the paperwork quietly while Theo and Scott sneak Liam out?" Derek asked the man. 

Argent nodded his head, "we know there is one nurse in there working for Monroe, but there might be more we have to be quick, so they don't realize where we took him."

Peter and Derek went in leaving Malia with Argent to look for any suspicious activity outside. Melissa greeted them at the door, handing Peter the paperwork to sign. Dr.Miller gave Derek and Scott a bunch of supplies for the next week. Melissa saw a nurse walking towards Liam's room.

"Hey, we need assistance on floor 3," Melissa called after her.

"I have to do something first before I head up," the nurse looked at her.

Dr.Miller walked over, "Ms. Daisy we need you upstairs immediately." 

The nurse muttered to herself, then walked towards the elevator, she didn't know Dr. Miller was helping the McCall pack.

Derek and Peter walked out into their car and drove away to avoid anyone seeing them. Argent walked and pulled Melissa's car over, so it looked like he was just picking his girlfriend up from work. Malia sat in Theo's truck, looking out for anyone.

Theo walked in and picked up Liam, "You ready?"

"I'm always ready to get out of the hospital."

Scott was standing outside the room, keeping watch. He followed Theo and Liam out, jumping in Theo's truck with Malia. Theo pulled out as Melissa kept watch, before getting in the car with Argent.

Theo drove towards the Hale house, "You know that wasn't as fun as breaking Lydia out of Eichen."

"What when you tried to get us killed?" Malia barked at him.

"I'm just saying," the chimera looked at them.

"Again, you're still an asshole," Malia glared at him.

"He knows," Liam spoke up.

Theo looked over and smirked at his boyfriend. Scott just shook his head at both of them.

Peter and Derek were waiting outside the house when Theo pulled in. Melissa and Argent pulled in shortly behind them, taking a small detour to avoid being followed.

Liam was relieved to be out of the hospital.

"Now, Liam just because we got you out of the hospital doesn't mean you aren't getting treatment still. I had Dr.Miller write me a treatment plan for you that you would have had in the psych unit, anyways. I got supplement, more NG tubing, and a heart monitor. So, don't you dare try to fight me?" Melissa looked at the beta.

Liam nodded his head; he knew not to make Melissa mad.

Peter and Derek showed them, which room would be Liam and Theo's.

"I'm assuming you are staying with him, tough guy," Peter stared at the chimera.

"He can't be without me," Theo glanced at Liam.

"You can't be without me," Liam replied.

"Ew wait until you get in your room," Peter pretended to gag.

Liam punched his shoulder.

"Geez you still have power, little one," Peter rubbed his arm.

Derek just stared and laughed at them.

Malia and Scott walked in.

"You okay?" Scott looked at Liam, shaking from the cold. Scott wrapped his coat around the beta.

"Ya, I'm fine, Scott," the beta looked up at him. 

"Why don't you two get some sleep, and my mom said we'll come in the morning?"

Theo agreed with the alpha, saying goodbye to them, leaving Liam and him alone in the room.

"This is much better," Theo looked at his boyfriend.

"So much better," Liam agreed with the chimera.

"You have to keep trying, Little Wolf."

"I think this will make me want to try even more; I have to be healthy to defend Beacon Hills."

Theo smiled as he wrapped his arms around Liam, waiting to fall asleep. 

The Little Wolf (Teen Wolf: Thiam)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя