Chapter Eight: Eighth Year - Part I

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Harry and Ron broke into identical grins. "We got in!" they exclaimed in unison.

Hermes laughed. "I bloody told you so," he shot back, ushering them closer until they slid down on the booth across from him in the Leaky Cauldron. "Especially you, Boy-Who-Lived."

Harry's cheeks turned into pink. "Shut up, Hermes," he said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "The theoretical part was really hard and if it weren't for your color-coded notes, I might have failed it. I mean, Merlin, that thing practically saved my life."

"And mine," Ron said reverently, grabbing hold of Hermes' hands with sincere earnestness. "Thank you, Hermes Granger."

The curly-haired brunet rolled his eyes and smacked Ron's hand away. "Wankers," he said, prompting them to laugh loudly in return. "If you have that kind of passion back in Hogwarts, you might actually be passing your classes."

Ron groaned. "We haven't seen each other for a week, Hermes! Stop reminding us how really swotty you are, mate, blimey," he whined.

"You know," Harry piped in, "it's not too late to apply for aurorship, Hermes. They've extended the application period. After the bloody war, they've lost a lot of aurors and they're trying to recruit as many graduates as possible."

"We've talked about this," Hermes said with a pointed glance. "I want to return to Hogwarts to finish my degree and get my NEWTs. I'm glad that the ministry waived such degrees in our batch and let you lot apply to your desired ministry positions because they've lost a lot of manpower. Aurorship seems like a nice prospect, too, but I need... I need to do this for myself."

"They have an opening in the Department of Magical Creatures," Ron offered, a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Maybe you can finally pursue that spew of yours – "

"It's S.P.E.W.," Hermes corrected indignantly. The corner of Ron's lips twitched with humor, but hope still gleamed in his blue eyes.

"Come on, Hermes," Ron pleaded. "Think of all the fun we'll have in the ministry. The Golden Trio – saving people, hunting things – it's... it's what we've always done."

Hermes' heart clenched a tiny bit, knowing that he would not be able to see his best friends frequently once the school year started. He was sorely tempted to join them; after all, being with them was one of the things that kept him alive despite the atrocities of war. They had been through a lot, seen a lot, and supported each other until things got back to normal once again. Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without them.

But, he knew he'd like to go back to Hogwarts for his eighth year. The moment Headmistress McGonagall sent them letters as an invitation to finish their studies, Hermes did not hesitate in replying yes. Harry and Ron had persistently tried to change his mind, tempting him with all their auror training and adventures, but... Hermes knew he needed a break from all these shenanigans. The prospect of returning to Hogwarts and continuing his education was very appealing, after all.

Perhaps, this time, he could finally, finally study in peace.

"Once he gets that look, there's no changing his mind, mate," Harry said, clapping Ron on his shoulder. Hermes gave them an apologetic smile. "As long as you write us a letter every single day, then we're all good, wanker."

Hermes snorted. "Merlin, I didn't realize how clingy you've all become," he said, dodging the piece of peanut Harry threw his way. "But yes, of course, I'll owl you as frequently as I can. After all, I have to make sure none of you will do anything stupid and kill yourself in the end."

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