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Shota's POV:

I looked at my phone, not believing I just texted him goodnight. "Does that make me soft?" Suddenly, I saw a text pop up that made me blush. "Goodnight Sho! Love yah.😘❤" What the hell? That was really... cheesy. This man is gonna give me a panic attack. Too late. I was still stunned, when I got another text. "No homo.😅" I sighed. "I knew it. Ugh." I was still blushing and I put my phone on the charger.

Yeah, I knew I should probably get some sleep before the first day of school, but I also didn't give a fuck. I stuck my hand up under my scarf to scratch my neck, when I felt something soft. Startled, I ran to my bathroom and flipped on the switch. I practically ripped off my scarf and looked at my neck. Sprouting out, was a pink flower, some blood around the wound.

"Damn it. It this... is this when I die?" I pounded my fists down on the sink. I was just starting to manage my Hanahaki, and now it gets worse. Tears trickled down my face and into the sink. "I'm dieing. Not from anything noble though, no. From FUCKING LOVE. LOVE! THIS IS THE STUPIDEST THING EVER." I was shaking as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I slowly placed a shakey hand on the flower and grasped it. I winced as I started to tug on it. It moved a bit, but it had a stem with thorns that would seem to rip the inside of my neck as I pulled at the stem. I held my breath, the pain so intense, a normal human with half my strength and durability would have fainted.

"I won't let this kill me. I'll shoot myself on Friday... if I make it till then." I was being serious. Friday would be the last day. I fantasize about the relief of all this pain Friday would bring, as I searched through my bathroom drawer for bandage. I found some and took a deep breath before starting to cover the wound. I wrapped it around the base of the flower, which hurt like hell, and then around my neck.

I took quick and sharp breaths as I limped my way to the bedroom. The pain had exhausted me out. Nowadays, I was commonly exhausted for lack of sleep and Hanahaki restricting my ability to breathe, but this was alot more than the usual.  I sat on my bed and realized I had left my scarf in the bathroom. I tried to stand and get it, but I couldn't. I carefully laid down and hugged my knees to my chest. "This will all be over by Friday." I kept thinking. Then, somehow, Hizashi made his way into my thoughts. It made me feel guilty. "I'm sorry Zash. So sorry."

Word count *not including authors note*: 488

Aye. I caught up on my chapters 😂 sorry you had to wait.

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