Chapter Fifteen: A New Year's Resolution Of a Plan

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The Apprentice

"What's the plan?!" Rose shouted above the howling wind outside. Pens and papers began to rise into the air around us. A long lost diamond earring floated past my face. Death practically dove down into the cockpit.

"You and Death stop Bonnie, and I'll take care of Clyde!" I yelled back.

"That's not a plan! That's a goal! You make plans as well as I make New Year's Resolutions!" She complained. I opened my mouth to jab back, but she had already crawled down after Death. I sighed indignantly as the plane began to lurch back and forth.

"I'm not the one who made the plan. I'm not the boss yet, y'know." I grumbled to myself. WHAM! Clyde managed to sock me right in the jaw as I turned to where he had been. I would have fallen if it hadn't been for the zero-gravity. I punched him back right in the nose. He grabbed his nose for a moment. When he moved his hand there was a small stream of silver blood trickling out of it. He looked up at me and grinned.

"You're going to be more fun than I thought." He laughed.

"How's our flight pattern going?!" I shouted over my shoulder before Clyde grabbed me by the shirt and shoved me to the ground. CREEEEEEK! Now we weren't just tilted down, we were plummeting! Clyde and I soared upwards, grappling in the air as both of us tried to get an upper hand. Down at the bottom I could see Death anchoring himself to the display board as he tried to fix what Bonnie had clearly broken. Rose was nowhere to be seen.

"Rah!" I heard her shout before she and Bonnie collided onto the edge of the doorway. Oh, there she is! Bonnie grasped at Rose's throat as Rose impaired her view by yanking her head back by the hair. I couldn't tell who was winning yet. "We're a little busy!" Rose roared back at me.

"I can't keep us in the air, but I might be able to make a safe landing! Both of you keep them busy!" Death ordered. I gave him a resting face. From my view at the back of the plane I could see Rose give him the same look. Then I got punched again. I heard a screech as Rose and Bonnie tumbled over the edge of the doorway and straight up to us.

SLAM! We all ended up in a pile of arms and legs. Bonnie was out cold on impact. The three of us that were left stared at each other before dissolving into a flurry of limbs, elbowing, kicking, and punching at each other. WHAM! Clyde kicked me right in the chest, sending me flying to the front of the plane. I landed on the doorframe, leaning halfway down into the cockpit.

"How are we doing?!" I shouted at Death. Suddenly the clouds disappeared, and there lay the Channel of Bristol. It was thousands of feet below, and it was close enough for my taste. That was my answer. Death fixed me with a glare.

"I'm going to have to use the rest of my power reserve to land this plane." He said solemnly. "Now go help Rose!" I nodded and turned back, launching myself back up the length of the plane and crashing into Rose and Clyde. The walls of the plane began to crackle with energy. Blue sparks showered the plane in waves as Death fought to steady the plane. I could feel gravity increase by a hair, but not enough to stand on even ground. Clyde grabbed both of us by our throats, and we clawed at his hands in an attempt to escape.

That's when I saw it. A brief case had managed to slide back up underneath the seats and was resting precariously on the edge of one. I wasn't close enough to reach it. Rearing back and preparing for pain, I kneed Clyde Barrow right in the groin. He hissed in agony before shoving me into the floor of the plane. Purple and green spots started to dance across my vision.

          Almost...almost...there! I managed to curl my fingers around the handle of the briefcase, yanking it out of its hiding spot and swinging it sideways right at Clyde's head. BAM! His grip on our necks went slack. We shoved him away before climbing down the side of the seats and into the cockpit. Death had both of his eyes closed in concentration, willing sheer power to surge out of his palms and into the plane.

          "Don't you dare ask how I'm doing!" He snapped. We clung to the door in silent horror as we plummeted towards the stormy waves below. I looked around for anything that might help. Both of the pilots lay unconscious against the walls. I searched the the panel. The wheels! Both of them had been tilted downwards! How could we not have spotted them before?!

"Rose, the wheels!" I pointed.

"I see them!" She nodded, and together we climbed down into the cockpit and grabbed the wheels, pulling them back up as hard as we could. Slowly but surely the plane began to level out. Death continued to squares his eyes shut in concentration as we steered ourselves upright. Death was right-we couldn't keep the plane up, but we could land it safely. The waves of the channel rushed up to meet us.

"Brace yourselves!" Death shouted.

KA-SHOOM! Water erupted like a geyser around the plane as we landed ungracefully. Rose and I fell back on impact. WHAM! My head hit the ground, and it was lights out. I could feel my eyes roll back in my head as everything started to darken.

"Rose! A-Apprentice!" Death called to both of us, but it sounded muffled. Any type of noise sounded far away. The last sound I heard was a bolt of lightning so loud that it seemed to shake the plane. Then everything went black.

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