10: The First Dream

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Nothing about that night was normal. The dream struck me in a way none other before it ever had. This was something too familiar to be true, but on the other hand vague to the point that I knew it was only a mirage.

It began with a raven perched on a dried branch of an ancient tree, who seemed as unnerved as I was. His plumage was ruffled and dirty, head shifting frantically as fear gleamed in his beady black eyes. The shiny black talons on his feet dug into the bark desperately, desperate to hold on, even though he wasn't falling. I was aware, somehow, that I was him and, quite evenly, he was me. The fearful heartbeats in our chests were identical.

Spreading his wings with uncertainty, he flew away in a rush, the beating of his wings replaced by a dreadful silence- a silence so dead that time itself became a ghost when you were in it and you felt the chilly presence of a monstrous ghoul marauding the cemetery after nightfall. A silence so dead that the air became foggy and the moon cowered behind the refuge of darkening clouds, afraid to face even me. This moment was so empty that my soul seemed to slip out my body and stare at me with bewitching judgement. Believe me when I say there is no calm in the world as terrifying as what I experienced in that dream.

"Leo," a familiar whisper tickled my eardrum.

My ears seemed to pucker up at the sound of my name. Like I always say, there is no mistaking that ONE voice. Yet I saw not from where it came.

"Leo." There came the empyrean sound once more.

"Brenda?" I tried to yell, although it escaped from my lips as a mere muted tone.

Darkness enveloped me once more.

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