Taking Money Ch. 20

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Hey! So sorry if this isn't the best chapter, but i had to write something right? I guess you could classify it as a fill-in! If i get good reviews on this I'll upload again to this story quickly!

  I just wanted to start the new year with an upload;)

Let me know what you think? Comment/vote/fan?



Chapter Twenty

          When my eyes opened, I stared up at Kacie's worried face. "Oh Cass," She sighed, "Guys she's awake." I rubbed my head, and sat up. I was in the car, at an RV park. The guys came to the car, and smiled at me. "We were so worried about you," Kacie explained.

          "What happened?" I moaned.

          "You mean after you fainted?" Thomas smiled.

          "Yes," I answered, glaring at him.

          "Well, you passed out, and Carson had to carry you to the car," Kacie exclaimed. "Then Thomas quickly checked out while I ran upstairs, and put everything into a suitcase. Then when Thomas and I were both finished, Carson already had the car outside with you in the back seat, passed out with your ankle all patched up."

          I looked down, and examined my ankle. It had gauze around it, and it felt stiff. I looked up at Carson, and gave a weak smile. "Thanks," I murmured.

          Carson just nodded, and got in the driver's seat. I pulled my legs off of Kacie's lap, and sat up right. "How long was I out?" I asked.

          "About an hour and a half," Thomas explained.

          "Oh God," I groaned.

          "But you lost a lot of blood," Kacie argued, "So I wouldn't blame you if you were just sleeping."

          I smiled at her. Then our mission came back to mind, and I grew serious. "Did we get the money?" I asked.

          "Oh yeah we did," Carson chuckled, whooping outside of the window. He had started the car, and we were already on the road again.

          "Has anyone followed us?" I murmured, a little scared to ask.

          "That's what Kacie thought," Thomas chuckled, "While she was driving. So she went into panic mode, and started speeding. We weren't being followed though."

          "So Kacie's not driving again," Carson finished.

          Kacie put her mouth in a small pout, and crossed her arms over her chest. "It's alright Kace," I told her, "You couldn't be worse then I was."

          "This is true," Carson laughed.

          I just rolled my eyes, and stretched. I was sore all over. My ankle still hurt. One didn't know pain until a dog's teeth was ripping through your flesh, pulling you downward. The thought just made me shutter.

          I turned over to Kacie, and gave her a reassuring smile. "You've done well," I whispered so only she was able to hear.

          "Thanks," She mouthed. I winked at her, and pulled out some blankets. I wrapped them around my shoulders, and shuttered.

          "Cold?" Thomas asked, looking back at me.

          "Freezing," I answered.

          Thomas chuckled, and turned back around. "Well buckle up," Carson advised, "We've got a long drive ahead of us."

          I moaned, "That's right, Mexico."

          Thomas pulled out his lap top, and did something. I wondered if he was still mad at Carson for freaking out at him. It didn't seem like it, but I decided not to bring it up. What was the point? To start more fighting? No. Like Carson said, we had a long drive ahead of us.

          At the next pit stop, I picked up small games for us to play while in the car. Of course no one was willing to play though. "Fine," I groaned, "I guess I'll look at the license plates by myself." There was silence. They were all feeling a little guilty about not playing probably.

          "Georgia," I muttered to myself. Then after a few minutes, I called out, "New Jersey."

          "Cassie, stop," Carson chuckled.

          "Not until someone plays a game with me," I pouted. Then I looked back out the window. "Arizona."

          Carson chuckled again, as did Kacie. "Pennsylvania," Kacie whispered. I looked over at her, and smiled widely.

          "Thanks," I murmured. She winked at me like I did to her. So then I changed the game to 'Would You Rather?' Reluctantly, Carson and Thomas soon joined in.

          The questions were stupid, but they were funny. Sometimes they had us roaring with laughter. We laughed all of the way to the next RV station, where we camped for the night.

          The guys slept in the front again, and Kacie and I slept in the back. Momentarily, the boys waited outside while Kacie and I changed. I yawned loudly as I changed into my tank top. Then I curled into a ball on my sit.

          "You guys can come in," Kacie whispered, opening the door, and then slamming it shut. I pulled the blanket over my shoulders, fluffed my pillow, and rested against it.

          "Night Kacie, night Thomas, night Carson," I murmured.

          "Night Cass," Thomas and Kacie responded.

          After a few moments, Carson whispered, "Night Cassie." We all snuggled into our spots. Kacie and I were comfortable in the back, so my socked feet were on her knees, and her feet were curled close to her, but close to my butt.

          The guys on the other hand sat in the two different seats, totally away from them. I just ignored it though, because I didn't know if they were still mad at each other.

          I closed my eyes, because I knew I'd need my rest. It would take forever to get to stupid Mexico. I didn't even understand why we had to go there. Wasn't this money enough for Mr. Ross? Did he really need all of this money and more?

          I didn't know whether or not I should question it though. So I closed my eyes tightly, and listened to the steady breathing of my friends.

          They were able to fall asleep quickly. Why wasn't I? So I pulled the blanket around me tighter, and slowly forced myself to sleep. Luckily, sleep came quickly.

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