taeyong - underground fight

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word count : 1,118


shouting and cheering by people kept the room vibrant, even with the bad lighting system. a circle of people surround two people, one who stood while panting his heart out, while the other was dragged away by two men. a pool of blood sat near the center of the circle.

"damn, there goes my money," you chuckled and looked at your friend, ten. he groaned and looked into his almost empty wallet. "i thought today was a lucky one..." he said and took another bill out.

"i still have money in the pot. maybe i'll share some of my winnings with you," you said and smiled at him.

next thing you knew, someone pulled you into the circle, "you."

"what the hell?" you spoke as the crowd started yelling, a mix of negative and positive comments. normally, they wouldn't put girls into these fights.

you watched as someone else is pushed into the circle, a scrawny looking guy. he had a terrified expression on his face.

"alright folks, things are about to get interesting here!" you heard the announcer over the speaker. the crowd continued to be lively as they saw you, a girl, in the circle.

"you have to be fucking kidding me," you spoke and looked for ten. he had pushed his way to the front and you walked over to him.

"you okay?" he asked in concern.

you nodded, "i don't think they know that i'm an audience member."

"want me to go find someone?" ten asked you.

you shook your head with a smile, "i got this." you handed him your purse.

he looked at you and raised an eyebrow at you, "in six inch heels?"

"it's got some stability," you said. "worst case scenario, i take them off and stab the guy in the neck with them," you laughed it off and walked back to where you were pulled to. "we gonna get this show on the road?" you yelled and the crowd roared in excitement.

"and...begin!" the announcer yelled.

the guy in front of you immediately charged with his fists. you casually stepped out and he fell to the ground when he tried punching.

"is that all you got?" you asked the man. he got up and charged again. this time you elbowed him in the stomach as he grabbed your neck. "you know," you looked up at him and smirked, "i can easily hit your balls."

"really now?" he asked and smirked.

"wanna bet?" you asked. without giving him a second to react, you kneed him in the place you said would hit.

"ah!" he fell and held his sensitive area. "damnit..." he groaned and rolled onto his side. the whole crowd was in awe.

that...was nothing...

you looked around, not knowing who the announcer was. "hey! isn't this the part where you raise my hand in the air and declare me the winner? think he's too busy worrying about his boy parts," you shouted in annoyance.

one guy ran into the circle with a microphone and ran up to you. "sorry," he quickly apologized. he grabbed you hand and raised it in the air, "we have a winner!" he shouted into the mic and the crowd erupted in cheers. the guy put your hand down and left the circle. you walked back to ten while the other guy was dragged away by his friends.

ten handed you your purse, "you good? your neck is a little bit red," he mentioned.

you nodded your head, "yea. i'm good. i'm going to go sit down for a minute." you said.

"want me to come with you?" ten asked but you shook your head no.

"i'll be fine on my own. keep track of my money will ya?" you said and patted his shoulder. you shimmied through the crowd and got out unscathed before you walked to an empty booth. you sat down, putting your purse on the table and crossed your legs. a server came over to you and asked if you wanted anything to drink or eat, "i'll take a manhattan please," you requested.

"she'll take whiskey instead," you raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms as a guy sat down and scooted next to you. he unbuttoned the two top buttons of his shirt and waited for you to reply.

you looked back at the server, "okay, a manhatten," you said to the server and he nodded his head. "he'll take scotch on the rocks," you told the server and looked at the man next to you. he nodded his head and gestured for the server to leave. as the server walked away, the guy put his arm over your shoulders. "what's a girl like you doing here?" he asked you.

you uncrossed your arms and looked straight into his glistening eyes, "just getting some cash. how about you?" you leaned closer to him and he leaned in, but you backed away.

"now, now," he grabbed your hand and pulled you back with a grin on his face. "can't let one of my customers of my club leave unsatisfied."

"believe me, i'll be satisfied when i get my money, honey," you said. "i put a lot in tonight and i expect to have more by the time i leave here."

he took his hand that was around you and held your chin. he tilted your head to the side before putting it back. "sorry about that," he spoke with concern, "my guys should've known you were a regular."

"it's fine," you replied. "i don't mind getting my hands dirty when there's a blue moon is out." you smiled at him. he pulled your arm so you sat in his lap. you kissed his lips and put your forehead against his.

"hey baby," he softly smiled at you and put a hand on your back.

you giggled, "hi yongie." the server came back with both of your drinks. you grabbed both of them and handed him his. "whiskey? really?" you questioned and took a sip of your drink.

"thought you'd want one after your big fight," he chuckled at you and took a sip of his scotch. "i didn't know you were coming today. you should've told me," taeyong grabbed your hip. "seriously, i would've told my guys to take you out."

"i can take care of myself," you told him and he reached to kiss your neck. you both finished your drinks and you placed the empty glasses onto the table. then, you set you head in the crook of taeyong's neck and he proceeded to wrap his arms around you. "i love you."

"i love you too baby," he said loud enough for only you to hear.

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