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TEKKA HAS ALWAYS LOOKED UP TO THE INFAMOUS 'GOUKA NO TAKOBU' SINCE HE WAS A CHILD. Uchiha Takobu survived through the Sengoku Jidai and the wars after that and now serves as an Elder of The Clan. He is the man that Tekka has aspired to be ever since his father placed a hand on his head and told him of The Clan and being a shinobi. Because someday, like Takobu, he will serve The Clan. And then, he will be known enough to actually hold a candle to the greatness of the man, perhaps acquire a name of his known and have villeges being wary of his strength, and of course, his greatest dreamto be an Elder of The Clan and become of assistance to The Clan until his deathbed. That is all he has ever wanted.

So when he finds out he is in the same team as the granddaughter of Uchiha Takobu, he is absolutely delighted, and when the Clan Head becomes their jounin instructor, Tekka decides he can die right then and there because regardless of what he has achieved, his name will be remembered. But of course, Tekka does not die. Instead, he flourishes. He works hard like he has never done before, he smiles like he has never done before, he becomes the shinobi of The Clan like he has never done beforeand maybe some part of him is glad that his previous team is dead. That sick, twisted, annoying part of him.

That part of him that he hates the most.

He can still remember their smiles. Kurama Miwa and Mikazuchi Yuu who are both shinobi of their own rights. Good shinobi for they would have had never been in the same team as an Uchiha if not. Miwa was good in Genjutsu but she aspired to become a Taijutsu specialist to not be underestimated. They said that the Kurama Clan relied too heavily in Genjutsu so she trained and trained and trained until she dropped, until she found out it was nothing against the Kiri-nin who slit her throat without any ounce of effort. Yuu was a second-generation shinobi and was a bukijutsu specialist. He liked to smile at Tekka and Miwa when they worked too hard, adored bringing them bento boxes that his family prepared for them. He liked inviting them to his home but Tekka never went to his house. He never accepted his offers or his bento boxes becausehe does not remember why.

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