CHAPTER 4 - Permission

Începe de la început

Izuku: 'Okay. See ya.'

Izuku checked the last of his belongings, took his jacket and put his phone in the pocket.

He took his silver/grey suitcase and locked his room full of All Might merch.

It was a school day so he figured most of his classmates would already be downstairs. And he had not explained that he was going abroad.

Everything had happened so suddenly. He found out about his real origin and that he has a sister four days ago. And now he was heading to England to meet her and his father.

It seemed like the elevator was extra slow today. Or it just felt like that for Izuku because of how stressed he was.

As the elevator doors opened, it revealed his classmates eating breakfast before school.

Kirishima who quickly noticed him said: "Whoa, Midoribro what's up with the get-up and the suitcase?" with his mouth half full.

Soon the attention of the class was on him. "Oh, uh. As you can guess, I am going away for a while."

"If I may ask, Midoriya, where are you going? And I hope you have asked for permission." Iida said looking at Izuku from the dining table.

"Yes, I have. I'm going abroad for a week. I hope you can help me catch up on schoolwork when I come back." Izuku said as he gave his friends an unsure smile.

"Yes, of course!" Iida said doing his robotic arms.

"Are you going to eat breakfast before you leave? I'll pour you some tea." Yaoyorozu said from her seat at the table.

"No, I'm already late. But thanks for the offer Yaoyorozu-san." Izuku said taking a glance at his watch.

"Oh crap! I'm really late. I'll see you guys in a week or so!" he said waving and rushing to the front door.

"I'll go see him off," Uraraka said, rising up from her seat beside Yaoyorozu and rushing to the door.

"Ho?" Ashido let out, smirking at Uraraka who was walking to the door.

"Deku, wait up!" She said calling the greenette who was about to leave.

"Sorry for leaving so suddenly. I should have told you earlier but it was a very sudden decision." Izuku said now looking up from tying his shoes.

"It's okay, I'm not mad about that. Just...promise to be careful and return safely." She said looking a bit down.

"I promise. And just between you and me..." Uraraka looked up. "the girl the others were teasing me about the other day is my sister." Izuku said and winked.

"Y-your sister?" those words caused a weight to be lifted from Uraraka's chest. "I thought you only had a mother?"

"Yeah, I thought so too. Turns out I have an older sister. She lives in England though and doesn't know much Japanese. I'm actually going to visit her now."

"O-oh I see! Well, have fun!"

"Yeah, I'll see you in a week! Bye!" he said going out the door.

Uraraka slowly went back to her classmates who were still eating breakfast. This was the happiest she had been the last couple of days.

"What happened? You were gone for a while." Ashido said, smirking as Uraraka approached the table.

"Nothing in particular. Just talked a bit with Deku," she said giving her friends a smile.

"What did he say?" Asui said from beside Ashido.

"He said that he was going to England."

"England? Why?" Hagakure asked with an invisible confused look.

"He said that we should keep it just between the two of us, buuut... I guess it should be fine if I tell you guys. Well, he said he was visiting his sister."

"His sister?!" the whole class exclaimed in unison.

"Quit lying! That damned nerd doesn't have a sister!" Bakugou yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm not! He said that he recently found out that he had an older sister. Oh, and Mina, the girl he was messaging with the other day was her. I'm sorry to tell you but it seems like your love senses were wrong." Uraraka gave her friend a triumphant smile.

"What?! How could my love senses fail me?!?!" Ashido said gripping her own head in frustration and shock.

"But why were they messaging each other in English?" Tokoyami asked from the other end of the table.

"Apparently she lives in England and doesn't know much Japanese," Uraraka answered.

"That actually makes sense. Besides, it doesn't feel like Midoribro is the type who has the courage to hook up with a foreign chick. He is too innocent, y'know?" Kirishima commented, earning nods from many.

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