Cap•tiv•i•ty noun1). The condition of being imprisoned or confined.
My eyes were half closed.
My head laying on Dean's shoulder. There was snow violently smacking the glass of the large window across from us. I wanted a bed and pillow as opposed to a fleece sweater. I wanted sleep above anything and I wasn't the only one.
Reigns was nearby dosing off in his chair and Triple H was constantly running his hand over his own face as he leaned on the wall struggling to stay awake.
"Family for Seth Rollins." Someone said, making me lift my head as Ambrose stood up along with Roman. My sights landed on the blonde, British man in a white coat in front of us. "I'm doctor Wakefield, I've been overseeing the surgery this evening."
"How is he?" Dean asked.
"He's just fine, the surgery was a success." He said, making all of us release a deep breath of relief. "He's asleep however and you're free to go in at any point but I believe it's best not to disturb him."
"We understand, thank you." Roman nodded and the doctor returned it before walking off down the hall. "Welp, the nightmare is over. I feel like we can go get some sleep now."
Dean scoffed, "Of course you'd want to leave him."
"What is that suppose to mean, Ambrose?"
"Whatever the fuck you think it means." He barked back and Triple H looked between them with a clenched jaw before his eyes landed on me.
"Blake, lets take a walk."
I sighed, stood and followed him away from the guys. "You should know their problems aren't going to go away over night."
"I'm aware." He said firmly. "But I wish they would. I need you guys to take down Paul's crew and I need you guys to be a strong group to do that."
"We are strong."
"Obviously not enough!" He whisper yelled, "Those two fucking idiots were tearing each other apart tonight! Something that I specifically warned you all not to do!"
"Well they're impulsive! What do you want them to do?! Change in a split second?!"
"Alright then," I started to walk away and he pulled me back by my elbow.
"I want you all to take a break." He said. "I can't have The Shield on TV disintegrating in front of Heyman, I need The Shield to take some time away, get close again and come back stronger than ever."
I raised an eyebrow. "You're kidding."
"I'm as serious as where we're standing right now."
"So what should we do, Hunter?" I asked sarcastically. "Go stay in Cuba? Go take a ride on the London Eye? Take a tour of the Eiffel Tower? Roman and Dean have way too much tension right now to even be in five feet of each other. Seth is going to be depressed as hell after what happened to him. I'm not grouping them together, they need time apart."
"Look, you may head them on TV, but these are my hounds. I know what's best for them. They need to be together, they need to be forced to get along, they're just like children." He hissed. "I don't give a fuck where you take them. Just go somewhere and get the shit worked out." He squeezed my arm before throwing it to me like a piece of trash and stomping away.
I glared at him until he was out of my sight. Then my eyes flickered over to Dean sitting on the opposite side of the room as Roman, both of them scrolling away on their phones.

Fanfiction"Everybody's damaged. It's just a question of how badly, and whether you're healing or still bleeding."