1.1.3 (20) | Issue 3: Things Are Alright

43 13 38

Started Issue: 18th May 2019

Start Edited Issue: 22nd May 2020

Finish Edited Issue: 4th June 2020

Finished Issue: 25th May 2019


Prom Venue Chester

Bart and June are still in prom. But, this time, not actually in the prom building. They decided they want to be alone for a little while, and engage with each other in a more silent, non-loud-music, place. So, they attempted to inspect the building, to identify whether they can go on the roof of the building. 

They managed to do so, as they walked upstairs the prom hall, and discovered a mysterious door, which they found out led to external stairs, and then to a ladder, which brought them to the roof. Where they are now, after some time sitting there, together. 

They sit on the edge of the building, Bart's legs dangling over the steep bottom, and June's legs pointing towards the side, still on the ground of the roof. They're looking across the river, on the back part of the building, with a hill of grass and rocks. Students, teenagers, from the prom are sitting in groups, scattered, some of them relaxing and chatting, and some of them running in the water wildly and laughing. Everyone is happy, like they should be. 

It is colourful, these are the colourful times. 

Bart and June, are the only people on the roof, they had a significant differentiated idea than the other people. They sit there, talking, and laughing. 

"I wanna more about you, Bart. I wanna know you" June informs Bart. 

"Nah" Bart only says, declining. 

"What? Why?" June shockingly replies, confused. 

"Cause then there won't be any mystery", Bart smartly answers, meaning something. 

"What do you mean?", June curiously asks and laughs, intensely engrossed in what he means, he senses he means something. 

"There'll be no more questions. Interests are gone after there are no more questions. Mystery is what intrigues us. Makes us want to know more. But, when we know more, it's boring" Bart explains, allowing her to understand his meaning, his message. 

"When did you get so wise?" June laughs, so does Bart. 

"I don't know. I think I learned it from my dad, it's probably how my parents are still together. When my mum asks him a question, he doesn't answer, until she asks another question, he answers that one. He literally only answers one question every two questions she asks, it makes it more fun, I don't know. It's stupid to be honest, but it strangely works. I just got why he did it, I guess I grew into it" Bart tells her, looking back at moment his father has done that. 

"That's so bizarre" June laughs. "But, I kind of get it", she adds, Bart is thankful for that. "Mystery is important, it's what grabs our interest", she continues, expressing her own meaning of Bart's unconscious method, regarding Bart whether she is on the right lines.

"Exactly" Bart answers, glad she understands. 

"Okay then, I'll ask you one question", June winks at Bart. "Something I want to know" she thinks to herself, pretending she is significantly inputting herself into a question. 

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