"How's the situation now?" Abhi dared to ask. Ansh looked at him.

"She's stable. And situation is under control. We have given her oxygen as she couldn't breathe. She will be discharged in couple of days. We have to keep her under observation for atleast one day." Abhi nodded.

"When she'll be up?" Ansh asked.

"In an hour or two. She's under sedatives. You can meet her once she's up but make sure she doesn't remove her oxygen mask and don't stress her." Ansh nodded and doctor left.

"She's fine now. You go home. Amms is alone too." Ansh told Abhi.

"No I'll stay. Let her get conscious. Then I-"

" What will you do staying here till she get up? Are you going to meet her? To ask her about her well being? Or going to shower your love on her?" Asked Ansh mocking at him. Abhi closed his fist tight.

"I'm not your enemy as you think, Ansh. I have my reasons for my behavior towards her. You can't deny the fact that she herself ruined everything. This situation is also-"

"Because of her. Right? Now also you are blaming her only. I so knew it. You don't have even a single percent love for her. Just felt pity on us, no? Sorry to say but we don't need your sympathy or pity. We are enough for each other and I'm strong enough to take care of my sister!" Ansh spoke coldly to which Abhi just left from there furiously. Ansh called his P.A.

"Take care of the media. The reason of why NM is hospitalized shouldn't go out. And also, no one enters in hospital to meet her without my permission. You know what I'm speaking, right? I have talked with doctor already. Tighten the security."

Ansh ended the call and sat on nearby chair resting his head on wall.


Next morning,
Malhotra Mansion-

Niyonika was serving breakfast to all. When Manik received a call.

"Yes Mac?"

"What? Why? I mean-"

"Ohkay. Will discuss about it later. Keep giving me updates about it."

Manik ended the call. He looked restless. Everyone noticed.

"What happened Mannu? What did mac said?" Mac is a secretary of Manik. He informed Manik about Nandini being hospitalized.

"Nothing mom. NM is hospitalized." Manik informed them.

"The same one about whom you were talking yesterday?" Niyonika asked to which he nodded.

"What happened to her suddenly?" This time Cabir the great asked.

"Reason is unknown to all. Just news is spreading like fire that NM is sick." He said with a frown. Cabir nodded.

"Manik you should visit her once. Yesterday only we finalized deal with Murthys. They are our clients." Raj spoke to which Manik nodded almost immediately.

"I'll visit her today only, Dad." Raj nodded. Niyonika and Cabir dint fail to notice the desperation in Manik's tone. They both looked at each other and gave a known smile.


"How are you feeling now?" Ansh asked Nandini who woke up from deep slumber. She regained her senses long back but because of medicine effect and tiredness she slept again.

"I'm fine, bhai." Nandini replied calmly looking at him. He just looked down and held her hand in his.

"You scared me." Said Ansh and his tears fell on her hand. She squeezed his hand gently. He looked at her with tears.

"I'm sorry, bhai. Please don't cry. I'm fine now." She said wiping his tears. He held her hand and kissed it gently.

"Never do that with me again. Never ever. I don't have anyone other than you." Nandini nodded silently. She had a look at room, towards the door. Ansh sighed knowing for whom she was searching.

"Bhai was here all night. He left sometime before." He told her. Her expression changed. Her face was blank.

"I dint ask about it, bhai. I don't expect anything from anyone." She said coldly. Ansh just shook his head.

"You take rest, I'll just come meeting your doctor." She nodded and Ansh left pecking her forehead. She closed her eyes.

As soon as Ansh left, door got opened slowly and someone entered inside. The person kept looking at her from far. Then suddenly came near her. He was about to touch her hairs but took his hand back. He kept standing near her unsure of his actions. But after fighting a lot with his mind, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and left immediately.

Nandini opened her eyes hearing the sound of door.

"You care, bhaiyu. You still care."


Manik entered in the hospital where Nandini was admitted. His PA had a talk with Ansh's PA who gave permission to meet Nandini after talking with Ansh. He was moving forward when he met Sheetal, Nandini's employee who's father suffered heart attack a day before.

"How's your father now?" Manik asked her.

"Hello sir. My father is fine now. All because of Nandini ma'am." Manik gave her confused look.

"What? But she dint even let you go to meet your father." He spoke. Sheetal smiled faintly.

"Nandini ma'am isn't what she shows to world. She's very kind and helpful girl. Yesterday after office hours---"

And Sheetal told him all the incident. Manik felt very happy hearing her. She isn't heartless, he thought.

"She helped me and see now herself is admitted here being sick. May god make her fine soon. Such a bubbly and chirpy soul crushed in cruel game of destiny." She spoke sadly. Manik got alerted hearing her.

"What do you mean?" He asked immediately.

"Nandini ma'am wasn't like this. She was very bubbly, chirpy and full of life. But after her-"

"Miss Sheetal, doctor is calling you." Nurse informed her cutting her sentence. Sheetal nodded.

"I have to go now, sir. Have a good day." Manik nodded.

She wasn't like this. What must have happened with her which changed her this much? She seems very calm always. Yesterday also dint react when I got angry. She seems really different.

Manik had many questions in his mind. But most important question was-

Why I'm feeling to know about her? Why her health matters to me? Why I felt restless hearing her being sick. Why I felt happy hearing she's not heartless but a kind girl? Why her matters affecting me? What's this damn feeling?

Screen freezes on Manik's lost face.

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