Forgive us now for what we've done
It started out as a bit of fun- O Children by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Hermes beamed widely as Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour-Weasley took their first dance as a married couple.
Mrs. Weasley was in tears, hand over her heart, as she watched her eldest embark in a journey she herself had been in for years. Ginny was beaming widely, fond tears rolling down her eyes, as Harry silently placed his hand on the small of her back for comfort. Ron was ridiculously trying to stop his tears from falling but to no avail.
It was a happy day. Familiar faces swarmed the small, but homely tent the Weasleys had put up near the Burrow. Drinks overflowed, Mrs. Weasley's mouth-watering homemade food decorated the long table, and a jovial band played music to entertain the guests.
Fleur later found him chatting with the Weasley twins and then pulled him onto the dance floor.
"You look beautiful, Fleur," Hermes complimented with a brilliant grin. It was strangely reminiscent of the Yule Ball back when he was fourteen, knowing he had the most beautiful girl in his arms. Fleur hadn't changed one bit, still as beautiful as ever. Her Veela powers had marginally toned down now that she found her mate but still, staring at her a little too long made his brain go all fuzzy.
"You 'ave grown taller!" she exclaimed. Even with her heels, the top of her head was on the same level as his chin. Back in fourth year, she still reached him up to his cheek.
"What can I say? I'm continuously growing," he cheekily replied, twirling the new bride on the dance floor. Fleur tilted her head and released a melodic laugh. When he pulled her back into his arms, he gave her a fond smile. "I'm really glad you found happiness in Bill, Fleur. He's brilliant!"
Fleur glanced at her husband lovingly. "'e is, isn't 'e?" she said with that thick French accent of hers, blushing prettily when Bill gave her a smile in return.
"I actually thought you liked me back in fourth year," he joked, mock hurt on his face.
She pinched him on his side, prompting him to yelp in pain. "Silly, after all zese years," she giggled, tiptoeing a little to pinch both of his cheeks this time. "Still no girl in your 'eart, 'Ermes?"
A flash of blonde. A pair of grey eyes. A flowery scent.
Fleur's eyes widened before he could even lie. "There is!" she gasped in surprise, placing a hand over his heart, which he was sure was beating wildly inside his ribcage.
He blushed and looked away from her searching gaze.
"What is 'er name?" she asked with great interest in her eyes.
"It doesn't matter, Fleur," he quickly replied, desperate to change the subject. "This day is all about you, after all!" When she still looked at him in amusement, he sighed and murmured under his breath, "Some other time, Fleur. When everything... when everything's back to normal."
Her blue eyes dimmed a little, perhaps thinking of the dark things she had witnessed for the past few days.
Ever since Dumbledore died, the Wizarding World had been in utter chaos. People were starting to fear going outside since Death Eater attacks increased. Even the Muggle World were being targeted, numerous news about mysterious attacks broadcasted on TV stations.

Through the Years (Dramione Genderswap Fanfic)
FanfictionHermes Granger fervently believed that Malfoy's sole purpose in life was to make his life a living hell. Dramione genderswap! Male!Hermione Granger/Female!Draco Malfoy. -0-0-0-0-0- Hermes Granger vowed to himself he would be the best in everything...