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I used the names of the kingdoms in the game Love Nikki dress up queen because I was lazy enough to find that some of the countries to me have almost the same thing as the kingdoms in Love Nikki and some I made up.

Apple federal:  North American and Oceania countries

Cloud Empire: East Asian countries

Pigeon Kingdom: Europe and the Baltic countries

North Kingdom: Countries that used to be in the USSR (No offense!) & Nordic countries

Lily-pad Empire: South and Southeast Asian countries

Republic of Slara: Africa and the Middle East countries (I'll see what I can do here)

Leolux Empire: South American countries

(Yes I changed some names)

This name is not used for offending anyone that comes from any of the countries that I put with the fake kingdom names. If you are offended please do not take it too seriously and try to enjoy the story. 

Thanks for clicking on this story to see what it has! I will try to keep up with the uploading chapter schedule (it can depend based on how much work I have for school or how many days I get writer's block) and stick with the plot.

Writing Notes: I will use this slanted font when I'm writing the thoughts inside a character's head. I tend to use morse code to separate sections of a chapter as while as they are used to help clues along with the story instead of just relying on the text (plus it's more fun and original). 

-Dreamy or author-chan (P.S. thank you once again)

Little note: There will be no cursing in the book (to keep it family-friendly), no romance included in this book (I mean, why would I put romance?) but you can ship the characters if you want, and there will be Love Nikki stuff that I put in here (Like small things from the game and other stories that are not related to it. None of the main lore in Love Nikki will be put in here), I suggest you pay attention to some parts because it may deem useful in the future (I sound like my English teacher).

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