Jaden nodded still deep in thought.

"My mother and I used to watch the ocean from the beach." Nina smiled as she remembered her childhood from the castle. "Did you ever watch the ocean growing up, Rayford?"

"Nah! not me, Ma'am." He answered with a grin. "We used too poor to be able-ing to relax. Momma worked all day, my Pap left when I were a youngster, and I took care of me five brothers. The ocean was far from our home," He paused in thought and said, "but Momma always took us to watch the stars on sunday. She used to be tell'in us that they stars be angels going home fur the night."

Nina smiled at Rayford and asked, nonchalantly, "Do you think I would be a good mother, Rayford?"

"Trully?" Rayford was a bit taken back by the question. He waited a good few moments and added, "I guess so, Ma'am. Your a kind lady wit a warm heart. Peter has gone a-liking ya. I ain't be knowing alot of mother but me own. I wish I could help ya."

"Its alright, Rayford, I was just thinking of what it would be like to be a mom." Nina added leaning on rail.

Rayford grew nervous, knowing the captain hatted the topic of having children. He watched as his captain fletched his fists in anger as Nina smiled without a care. Jaden was not in a good mood to talk about babies, and Rayford didn't want to be hit in the crossfire. He nodded politely to both captains and walked away as if he forgot to do something important.

Moments passed before Jaden angirly asked, "What do you think you're getting at?"

"I just don't understand why you don't want a child with me." She played with some lace on her dress, so she wouldn't look and Jaden, and said, "Unless you don't really love me."

"What the hell are you mumbling about?" Jaden asked in a rather annoyed tones.

"Maybe you don't really love me, and thats why you don't want a child." She repeated. "Couples in love, have babies. Expectedly newlyweds, like us."

Rage was almost boiling over in Jaden, but Nina refused to see it and continued.

"I won't be young forever, so why not have a baby now while I am still beautiful? I mean I don't want to be too old for our child. How long do you want me to wait bef-"

"Enough." Jaden cut her off and looked into the ocean. "Get off my ship."


"I SAID GET OFF MY SHIP!!!" He screamed in anger at her. "I told you to drop the subject, Nina! I won't have a wife who refuses to listen! Learn your place and get off my ship!!!!"

Nina now looked up at Jaden with tears trying to escape her eyes. She backed away in horror and the only thing she could get out of her mouth was, "Jaden?"

He huffed saying, "Rayford will row you to shore," and turned from her.

Finally getting her voice back Nina yelled a counter attack at Captain Jaden. "So you never loved me?! Is that what i'm hearing???" Jaden didn't answer and Nina glared at his back saying, "I should have know better than to think someone like you could love at all."

The deck grew silent.

The only sounds were the ocean waves against the ship and the creaking of the sails.

"You know nothing about being in love. You're just a spoiled little girl trying to play mommy." Jaden said in a harsh voice without looking at Nina.

Nina couldn't follow that and was left in silence.

Jaden couldn't speak for almost twenty minute. After the time he got out the saying, "Take her to shore, Rayford."

Peter heard the whole thing and went to run to Nina, but Jaden held the boy back saying, "She is leaving, Peter.  Don't make it hard."

"M-Miss Nina?" Peter pouted and reached for her. "D-Don't go. Who will be my mommy now?"

Nina went to speak to the child but was stopped by Jaden. "You don't need a mommy, Peter. You're stronger than that."

Jaden then took Peter below deck and Nina was escorted the a long boat with Rayford. Neither of them said a word as they head for the shore. Nina was too heartbroken to do anything but watch the wave, and Rayford frown in concern for his friend.

The first to speak was Rayford.

They were in sight of a beach and he said to Nina, "I'm sorry. He is only trying to protect you."

"By pushing me away? I just wanted an answer." She wiped tears off her, now stinging, cheek.

Rayford pulled them onto the sand and revealed the big secret.

"Cap'an was married once before you, miss Nina." He paused as she looked at him. "He truly loved he, he did. She too wanted a babe right afta the weddin', and he gave her anythin' she wanted. So she bore the Cap'an's babe." He helped nina out of the boat. "The night of the babe's birth," He paused and took a deep breath, "She did everythin' to get that babe to come. So much dat she gave up her life. Cap'an rushed dat babe to the doc on board. When he came back to her, Miss Patricia was as dead as wooden doll."

Nina's eyes widened in horror and she shakily asked, "What about the baby?"

"Cap'an kept dat babe. Named him Peter after his momma, Patricia." Rayford began building a hut for Nina as he told the tale. "Told Peter only to call him cap'an, for it was to hard to hear Daddy."

Silence took them over once more, but Nina spoke first this time.

"Why are you telling me this, Rayford?"

"He sent you away so you don't end up like miss Patricia." Rayford cups Nina's cheek like a father to a child. "He never looked at you the way he looked at miss Patricia. He cares for you in a deeper way than he ever has before. That's why he sent you here. You're his one, and he can't lose that. Good luck out her, miss Nina. We will miss ya."

"Goodbye, Rayford."

With that Nina was left on a beach with a small hut, and enough for a few days. She wasn't sure where she was or where she should go, but she knew her chances of being rescued were slim. she would have to find a village soon, and make a new home. Again.

A Treasured LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ