I Don't Dance

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Fangs smiled widely before grabbing you and pulling you in. "Like I care."

"If you want to smell gross then be my guest" You laughed as he let you go. You held up the bright blue shirt and handed it to Fangs. "Your pre game attire." You smirked as he blushed at the name on the back.

"You sneaky minx...you paired me with Emma?"

You held your hands up in defense. "I just merely suggested to Cheryl... who made the pairings that the only two I knew for sure was you and Emma. I figured a little time together wouldn't hurt anyone and you could make a move" You wiggled your eyebrows as Fangs let out a laugh.

"Payback Y/L/N is going to be sweet."

Sweet Pea cleared his throat behind the two of you. "Oh yeah Y/N, this is my friend, well more like a brother Sweet Pea."

You smiled as you eyed the taller boy. "Well I'm Y/N, I'm actually your partner."

Sweet Pea smirked. "Well that's just fate."

You quirked an eyebrow. "Fate?"

"You know fate, two things that just go together. You and me like PB & J"

"Oh it's too bad that I'm allergic to peanut butter than." you paused. "Your shirt is over there you can grab it and have a seat next to Fangs."

Sweet Pea stood looking down at you his tongue darting out. "Whatever you say babydoll."

You rolled your eyes as you made your way towards your girls walking in. You assigned all of the boys as they walked into the gym telling them to find their name on one of the Pups. They all obliged heading over. Once everyone was matched and sat together on the bench you yelled out.

"Alright Pups and Bulldogs listen up! You all may be hotshots out on the court and in the hallways but in here I'm the HBIC as Cheryl would say. So if you listen to me and your partner then everything will go smoothly. It's going to be a pretty easy routine mainly hip hop and a small add in of ballet that myself and my partner will learn. So we will practice in here everyday after your practice and please on your own with your partner. The best way to dance with someone is to be able to have chemistry fake or not but it needs to show. You both need to be insync with each other as well as the squad. So tonight we will show you the routine and then teach you this week and next week." You smiled and nodded towards Emma who handed Fangs your phone and spoke softly. Watching him give a nod you smiled as the girls made it to you.

One thing right by Kane Brown flooded the speakers as you lead your girls through the somewhat simple routine. The boys watching intently but most of them looking extremely nervous. You gave a small laugh before you moved into your traditional ballet normally you would have your partner pick you up on your last move as you leapt up they would grab your waist lifting you higher before setting you down and going back into the hip hop aspect for now you just did your Saut de chat once more. You watched the girls and their partners leave as you picked up the speaker and grabbed your bag, jumping when Sweet Pea cleared his throat.

"Sorry. I uh- I just I'm going to need help. See I don't really dance" He chewed on the bottom of his lip his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

You placed your hand on his arm. "You've got the best. We can practice everyday for as long as you want."

His demeanor seemed to change after your words. "I'd let you boss me around any day."

You rolled your eyes. "If you keep up with these cheesy lines you aren't going to like what follows them."

Sweet Pea smirked. "I think I'd like anything coming from you but if you say so princess."

You swung your bag over your shoulder, shaking your head as you walked out. "I'll see you tomorrow Sweet Pea."

My favorite Imagines ❤️ RiverdaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon