Chapter Four

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It was Friday lunch time when a tray was pushed between mine and Kelly's and Mitch squashed in between us.

"So," he started, looking around the table. "Do I need to bring drink tonight or are you being a fabulous host Sammy-boy?" he asked, looking at Sam who had been sat across from me.

Dylan and Sally joined us too, Sally choosing to sit next to Kelly and apologising for Mitch while rolling her eyes. Kelly laughed and told her it was fine. Dylan sat across from Sally next Cam, rolling his eyes at Mitch as well.

"It's all covered," said Sam, trying no to laugh Mitch who stole a fry from Cam's plate.

"These are good," he said, reaching for another.

"I know," replied Cam, sliding his tray away, "that's why they're MINE."

They sat with us for the rest of lunch, Cam eventually letting Mitch have the rest of his fries once he said he was finished. Sally, Elle and Kelly spent the rest of lunch showing each other their outfits for tonight, the rest of us continuing to eat our lunch and ask Sam if he needed anyone to pick anything up for tonight. He told us he had it covered and that if we wanted to come earlier for pizza that we could.

I met Dylan in detention after school, and he gave me a huge smile when I walked in and stood up on his chair.

"Last day of prison," he announced as I sat down.

"You'll be back sooner than you think" said Ms Jackson, telling him to sit down. Dylan dramatically fell down into his chair, hand over his heart.

"Ms Jackson, your words wound me."

"The truth hurts sometimes my boy," was all she said, putting on her glasses and opening her marking.

I laughed at sad look on Dylan's face before pulling out my novel for English. I had a few chapters of 'The Road' by Cormack McCarthy to finish for Monday. Dylan sighed and sloughed down in his chair, closing his eyes. Ms Jackson had more photocopying to do yesterday, so we spend detention talking again. By the time Ms Jackson had returned my face was sore from laughing so much at Dylan. He was funny, and he couldn't stop laughing himself when he was retelling stories about Mitch, or his little sister.

Today though we were back to silence. For some reason I wouldn't concentrate on my novel, and instead I found myself looking at Dylan.

His eyes were closed, and his mouth was open slightly while he slept. I glanced at Ms Jackson, too busy marking to notice Dylan sleeping. His hair was a mess; it always was. His platinum blond hair overgrown, dark roots showing. His dark eyelashes fluttered slightly as she shifted in his chair, and I quickly looked away, not wanting him to catch me staring. I slowly glance back over; he'd sloughed further down his chair, surprisingly he hadn't fallen off. His white shirt sleeves were rolled up past his elbows, his tie slightly loose at his neck. His shirt had become untucked from his black skinny jeans and was riding up his back from him slouching in his chair. His skin was pale, but his arms and hands always seemed to have splatters of paint on them. I looked back up towards face to see that one of his eyes was open, looking at me.

I cleared my throat and looked away quickly, feeling a blush creep onto my face.

Dude, why are you blushing?

I turned back to my book and stared at the pages in front of me.

"Good book?" Dylan asked quietly, I could hear the smile in his voice. I didn't look at him.

"Yeah," I whispered back. He chuckled and Ms Jackson looked at him.

I focused on my book for the rest of detention while Dylan went back to sleep. When Ms Jackson said we could leave we packed up our things and headed out the door. We walked quietly through the corridors and out of the school building. Before we parted ways, Dylan handed me a piece of paper.

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